Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss agenda items
DATE OF MEETING: 11/02/2021
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 943 4190 3565
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nimo Ali, Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Carina Hoffpauir, Allyson Joye, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Jennifer Laflam, Sarah Lehmann, Jazzie Muganzo Murphy, Jessica Nelson, Adam Windham, Raquel Arata, Ruby Dean, Mikhail Drobot, Beth Madigan, Jeff Stephenson, Connie Ayala
INVITED GUEST(S): Jazzie Mugazano Murphy
Attached Files:
Student Success Council Charter 2017-2020
Student Success Council Perspectives
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and check in. Check in question: From your perspective, what is one small change your area/ARC/Los Rios could feasibly make that would make a big difference for students? Sarah Lehmann
Welcome and Check in complete. Many great ideas that would make a big difference for students. Examples: 
-printing credit for students
-expand capacity for science classes with long waitlists
-intervention/support for students on academic probation
-streamline forms and documents
-improve prerequisite challenge process
-virtual welcome desk
-AI/algorithm that will prompt students of next steps in their educational journey
-Student design team participation in curriculum process
-make sure every student is in a Homebase
-make a library course required for all students
-free parking for students
-technical education counselor site visits to Mather 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Do we need to make any changes to the notes from the previous meeting? Sarah Lehmann 5
Notes approved by consensus with no changes.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Student Success Council Charter. Our charter needs to be reviewed and updated to reflect the current work of the Council. This will take a few meetings, so I wanted to introduce the topic now and start the discussion. Looking at the charter, what do we need to update? Some questions to consider: --Are we doing all the tasks listed in our charter? If not, should we remove those we aren't doing? --Are we doing tasks that are not currently listed in the charter? If so, should they be added? --Are there tasks listed in our charter that we believe should be done by another Council or campus group? --Does our membership include the right balance of Classified Staff/Managers/Faculty to accomplish our goals? Please feel free to add comments directly into the Google doc (attached) Sarah Lehmann The Student Success Council's 2017 Charter was reviewed. When the governance councils were formed in 2017, the initial charters represented the best thinking of the governance task force, with the understanding that the charter should be revised and updated over time. The council will begin the charter review today, and will continue the discussion at one or more future meetings. Recommendations include following up on recommendations from Project Teams, doing an assessment of the work so far and areas of growth, and using an equity lens. Scope and Deliverables: SS Council is not responsible for implementation; only provides guidance, feedback and reviews. Suggested language for updating Charter: "Ensure alignment of various systems and plans, grant programs and other large scale efforts to meet the college's mission and strategic goals." Discussion about whether to include that ARC is now becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution; call out grants by name; and how Project Team's are "sponsored."
Homebases Overview, 2pm. Jazzie Mugazano Murphy will join us to share an overview of the Homebases program and how it supports students. If you have any questions about the program, there will be time for Q&A. Next week, Frank will give us an update about the work of the Homebases Resource Panel, which is currently reviewing the program and making recommendations for improvements. Jazzie Mugazano Murphy Jazzie Muganzo Murphy gave an update on the background, progress and current status of the six (6) HomeBases. Previously to Jazzie joining ARC in August 2019, work was underway by the Project Team to provide a redesigned student experience from onboarding to completion. ACHIEVE became First Year Experience (FYE) but this model was only for the first year. Metamajors and Guided Pathways needed to be incorporated into the student's experience, and HomeBases were developed to meet this ongoing need. The goal of the HomeBase model is to offer a "Success Team" who would be available to the student from the start of their education at ARC through completion. HomeBase is not a program: it is a cultural shift to engage and connect to students to increase retention, persistence and inspire successful/timely completion.

Originally, HomeBases were to launch as physical locations close by or in the in the area of study with a virtual HomeBase to follow. When the pandemic forced all classes to move online and the college to operate remotely, this plan was flipped so that virtual HomeBases launched first using current staff as Interim SPAs serving as HomeBase coaches.

In August 2020, the virtual HomeBases were launched. Students with a primary major that could be "mapped" to a HomeBase were assigned to their virtual HomeBase and its Success Team via their dashboard using a CANVAS shell. Students with a major that does not map to a HomeBase are either "undecided" or fall into the "Transfer to a 4 year Institution." This District-wide assignment issue can only be resolved locally by communicating to students who are in these categories to select a HomeBase that most closely aligns with their goals; however, the thousands of students who fall into this assignment void must be loaded into the system manually until District provides a PeopleSoft answer.

In Spring 2022, six (6) physical HomeBase locations are ready to serve students on ground. The interim positions are being replaced with permanent hires as Student Support Specialists (SSS). The next step is to compile qualitative research that reflects students' experiences with HomeBase to measure their success.

Questions and discussion about how financial aid and federal funding criteria interferes with a student's ability to select a specific major/program of study and at the same time meet the federal criteria - any courses that don't match their major and don't align with degrees are a barrier. ARC's VPSS shared that there is a 70% "abandoned call rate" in financial aid at this time due to lost staffing from retirements, promotions and resignations. This process needs to be redesigned and streamlined. One of the future goals for the HomeBases is to assign a financial aid counselor to each HomeBase to coordinate with HB staff.

General counseling still provides services to any student that does not have a HomeBase."

Recently, all 6 HomeBases now have a physical location in preparation for the return of staff and students for the start of Spring semester. Permanent Student Support Specialists (SSS) are being hired as coaches.
Topic Contact Person