Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Angela Milano
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Liz Geisser
Mary Goodall
Carissa Thomas
Kaitlyn Collignon
Sapeidah Saeedi
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick
Brenda Valles

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Routine reporting out from constituency groups and council leads; first reading of LGBTQIA+ project team report;
DATE OF MEETING: 05/03/2021
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00 pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:253 215 8782 (US Toll)
CALL-IN CODE: 926 8616 7178
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: BonnyJean Bowman, Amy Gaudard, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Mark Sheppard, Alisa Shubb, Tressa Tabares, Regena Tiner, Nick Daily, Susan McCoy, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang,
INVITED GUEST(S): Roger Davidson Raquel Arata Neue Leung
Attached Files:
LGBTQIA+ Project Team Executive Summary
LGBTQIA+ Project Team Full Report
Disproportionate Impact API Project Team Report
ELT Notes 04.05.21 (draft)
Perspective Changes to Student Success Council
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Operations Council
- District, using federal one-time funds, to purchase a laptop and docking station for all employees
- Is laptop mandatory?
- It will be a standard but will work with individuals
- Computer lab laptops have all been assigned out to employees
- Might laptop[s be available to some students (i.e., ASB President, etc) and those participating on Student Design Team who may be attending council meetings, etc.

- Had discussion with HomeBase coaches regarding evaluating effectiveness
- Council listened to discussions about their experiences

Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Update on Reopening Plans Melanie Dixon / Frank Kobayashi
- Instructional offerings confirmed
- Work on-going relative to student services
- Need to review and perhaps upgrade signage on campus as programs may have moved
- Still some faculty interested in offering on-ground or hybrid classes whose programs didn't make the "difficult to convert" list
- Enrollment for on-campus classes is lagging initially
- Do we know why they're not enrolling in face-to-face classes
- Again, lots of questions without all the answers
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of April 5, 2021 Notes Melanie Dixon 5
Thmbs up
What are the key findings and primary recommendations of the LGBTQIA+ Project Team Report as contained in the "Exploring Disproportionate Impact: LGBTQIA+." What do you see as the most significant implications associated with these recommendations? (First Reading) (3:00 pm) Roger Davidson 0
- Roger presented
- Roger and Emilie were co-leads for project team
- Commendations to both for their stewardship and work
- Members of LBGTQIA+ community are not always known
- ARC had one of the first PRIDE Centers not only in the state but in the country
- Only opportunity to self identify in institutional is CCCApply and only if 18 years of age; no way to update that information after the fact
- Mira Costa College now does an update to their system every semester including sexual orientation/gender identity
- Recommendations: improve data collection regarding LBGTQIA+ status; adopt a trickle up approach that expects those in positions of power to shift thinking around policy making; engage and/or assign a culturally competent mental health professional and basic needs programming to assist LGBTQIA+ students; create an inclusive classroom environment and curriculum LGBTQIA+ students; strengthen the organizational structure to better coordinate efforts (focus on intersectionality); increase counseling support through the Pride Center; increase accountability related to hate and bias incidents; commit to training specific to gender identify and intersectional identifies (i.e., perhaps a series of trainings or tie into district training); work intentionally to reduce process barriers that inhibit employee efforts; address restroom, locker room and showering facilities on our campus to ensure equitable access and safety for all our students
- Received complete and unanimous support at Academic Senate
- Will engage in offline discussion regarding Mira Costa system of routinely collecting/updating student data
- Commendations for the personal toll this type of work takes on the team leaders/members
What are the key findings and primary recommendations of the Disproportionate Impact API Project Team Report as contained in the "Exploring Disproportionate Impact: LGBTQIA+." What do you see as the most significant implications associated with these recommendations? (First Reading) (3:30 pm) Raquel Arata / Neue Leung Raquel / Neue presented
1st / 2nd readings in Academic and Classified senates and SSC
Kudos to Raquel and Neue for leadership and work accomplished

- Raquel & Neue presented
- 1st & 2nd readings completed in Academic / Classified senates and SSC
- Kudos to Raquel and Neue for leadership and work
- Student Experience Survey indicated that API (non-DI) students had an overall satisfactory experience at ARC
- API-DI students had a less satisfactory experience
- Recommendations: further disaggregating data; build upon promising practices within PRISE; culturally relevant and responsive instructional strategies; outreach & support strategies; more research on insights from API Student Experience Survey; increase API representation and role models; professional development for faculty, staff and student relative to anti-hate API sentiment
- Team noted a desire to continue the research and dialog
- Some difficulty and complexity in disaggregating data and appreciation to Neue and Raquel for working with research team
- Academic Senate unanimously supported the work of the project team
- Very powerful report with impactful work
- When discussing culturally relevant and responsive are you talking both curriculum piece and pedagogy; yes

Does ELT approve the proposed changes to the perspectives of the Student Success Council? Sarah Lehmann - Presented by Frank and Sarah
- Some perspectives were no longer relevant (i.e., Basic Skills, SSSP, etc.)
- Moved from 20 to 25 positions
- More classified professionals, two more faculty, and one individual from any job category
- Expanding focus on equity and expertise with DI students; still need to define "expertise"
- Is there a specific reason the VPI heads SSC and not the VPSS?
- Modeled after Achieving the Dream; VPI also oversaw the reporting of the reports on programs (i.e., basic needs, etc.); was also a balance of workload at the time the council was developed
- How does Academic and Classified senate define "expertise"; will need some collaboration between the two so not all appointments come from one area/division
- Academic Senate would likely look at coordinators assigned to PRISE program, PRIDE center, UMOJA, etc.
- Faculty might look at who on the council is representing me and how will I hear what is going on? Adds another layer of complexity
- Classified Senate might look to members of advisory groups
- Thought from SSC was asking individuals to write a note of interest
- Thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Topic Contact Person