Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 04/20/2021
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 973 6821 3245
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag, Nimo Ali, Sharon Gott, Carina Hoffpauir, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Adam Windham, Vicki Alonso, Susan Andre, Raquel Arata, Nisha Beckhorn, Pamela Chao, Beth Madigan, Jeff Stephenson
INVITED GUEST(S): Vivian Dillon
Attached Files:
Cultural Wealth Emerging Leaders
Cultural Wealth and Your Career Narrative
Whose Culture Has Capital
DI-API Project Team Report (Second Reading)
Student Success Council Perspectives: Final Approval
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check in (If time): You are an astronaut returning home from a 6-month tour of duty at the International Space Station. Your family picks you up at Cape Canaveral. (or wherever). Where do you request to go to lunch on the way home?? Frank Kobayashi & Sarah Lehmann
Check in completed throughout the meeting
Accreditation update Adam Karp
The Quality Focus Essay for ARC's Accreditation is about HomeBases. and how we are measuring and evaluating this model.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Are there any suggestions for changes to the notes from the previous meeting? Sarah Lehmann 0
Notes from previous meeting were approved by consensus with no changes.
ACTION ITEM: Student Success Perspectives: Does the Council approve the suggested modifications to the Perspectives, based on the feedback and discussions throughout the past semester? Input requested: How should "expertise working with DI students" be determined? Sarah Lehmann ACTION ITEM: Consensus to move the Student Success Council Perspectives to the sponsoring entity, Executive Leadership
Team (ELT) for approval. Currently proposed Student Success Perspectives (roles) would increase the total number of Council Member from 20 to 25. Three new perspectives under Basic Skills including Math, English and English as a Second Language (ESL) were already approved by consensus. Discussion about the "expertise" criteria proposed for 4 Faculty Representatives for Disproportionately Impacted (DI) students could be determined by the following: 1) self-identify; 2) Academic and Classified Senates ask constituents to write a short paragraph reflecting interest; 3) timing of decision could wait for President Dixon to have her discussions.
ACTION ITEM: DI-API Project Team Report: Second Reading. Does the Council support the recommendations from the DI-API Project Team? Are there any questions or comments for the team? Frank Kobayashi & Sarah Lehmann ACTION ITEM: Consensus to move the DI-API Project Team Report: Second Reading to the sponsoring entity, Executive Leadership
Team (ELT) for approval.

Co-Leads reviewed the updates to the draft of the DI-API Project Team Report's Second Reading. Four main updates included: 1) added information on the surge in anti-Asian sentiment to the Preface; 2) additions about intersectionality, gaps and resources in income disparities to History and Context section; 3) added the Racial Triangulation Theory to the Conceptual Framework section; and 4) added specific programming to address crises or changes affecting API students to Recommendations section.

Comments from Council Members addressed the selection of imagery used in the Report which showed female-identified members of community were positive, but the male-identified members of community were all negative. The Project Team will review the images in the Report. Also, comments regarding "culturally relevant" versus "culturally responsive" and additional training and professional development for fellow students was acknowledged by the Co-Leads.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
How does the lens of "cultural wealth" impact how we deliver Career Services to students? Vivian Dillon, Work Experience & Internship Coordinator, will join us to share how she has applied Cultural Wealth Theory to her trainings around internships. Vivian Dillon Guest Faculty Coordinator for Work Experience gave a presentation about cultural wealth and its impact on internships sponsored by the Teaching & Learning Institute: "Applying an Equity Lens to the ARC Work Experience & Internship Program."

Conversations among employers about diversity and inclusion increased after the George Floyd incident and several large employers such as Target, Google, Adidas and Estee Lauder have pledged to increase its diversity in workforce.

Equity advocacy for Work Experience discussed concepts in types of equity capital: linguistic, aspirational, familial, social, navigational, and resistance. In advocating for equity by employers for Work Experience students, questions about flexible scheduling, "virtual" internships, flexible work attire and discounts on clothes and equipment, plus paid versus unpaid internships, transportation expenses and a mentor program are all on the table.
Topic Contact Person