Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Spring 2021 check in and collective focus.
DATE OF MEETING: 02/01/2021
TIME: 4:00pm-5:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 253 215 8782
CALL-IN CODE: 924 3035 2656
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: BonnyJean Bowman, Naomi Dasari, Melanie Dixon, Amy Gaudard, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Mark Sheppard, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Regena Tiner, Nick Daily, Susan McCoy, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang,
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 12.02.20 (draft)
Recommended Areas of Interest
Related Programs
Guided Pathways - Scale of Adoption (draft)
Project Team Report Timelines
HomeBase Enrollment Outcomes
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co‐Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including efforts of their respective project Teams. Council Leads / Co-Leads
Operations Council
- Vice Chancellor Mario Rodriguez provided overview of the budget
- Safety update from Cheryl
- Protocols for coming to campus have changed
- Food pantry had about 1400 meals distributed
- Changing VPN to Global Protect; hopefully completed by end of February

Student Success Council
- First meeting of semester tomorrow
- Discussing re-opening plan with department chairs invited to meeting
- Last semester convened resource panel re: attracting and retaining students of color; presented to PES last week
- Looking at perspectives of committee roster and making recommendations for updates

Institutional Effectiveness
- Reviewed enrollment data report
- Student services satisfaction survey to be administered this semester
- Updates for accreditation self-evaluation report
- Topic for quality focus essay will be HomeBases
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Academic Senate and Management will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Constituency Group Leaders
Classified Senate
- Excited about liaison with Academic Senate
- Working on reviewing bylaws particularly those who are eligible to run for President
- Supporting classified temps with social/networking events and professional development opportunities
- Thankful to everyone who donated to classified senate winter luncheon
- Future agenda item:  ARC classified professionals are supported at the college level but don't feel that way when participating in district meetings, still feel like the stepchildren; how can we advocate for ourselves, how can faculty and managers advocate for us

- Would like to have classified senate liaison and liaison for other groups as well
- Hoping to have a senate liaison on Operations Council

- ASB Lobby Day focus

- Currently focusing on enrollment and reopening
ELT Meeting Schedule (conflicts w/Chancellor's Cabinet) Melanie Dixon
- Chancellor’s Cabinet meeting frequency increased as they discuss reopening plans
- Need to likely reschedule ELT meetings for at least the remainder of the Spring semester
- Suggestion:  Possible some asynchronous work with people submitting written reports (i.e., constituency group reports)
- Need to keep them predictable and identify that rescheduling is temporary; when conflict with Chancellor’s Cabinet no longer exists, ELT meetings will return to first Monday meeting
- Trying to get clarify on whether this is Spring only or will it continue in Fall
- Doodle poll will be sent out to members
- Thumbs up
Hope, Healing and Handling Business Melanie Dixon
- Continuing to focus on employee wellness while providing some fun and humor 
- Events will be scheduled throughout the semester for employee participation
Redeployments Melanie Dixon
Postponed to next meeting
Presidents Circle Melanie Dixon
Postponed to next meeting
Guided Pathways - Scale of Adoption Jeff Stephenson
- Document is completed every year for State of California
- Please review and provide any feedback to Jeff over the next few weeks
- This is a compliance update only; no further dollars will be coming from the State
- Limit of 2500 characters
- Will be on Student Success Council agenda tomorrow
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of December 2, 2020 Notes Melanie Dixon 0
Postponed to next meeting
Does the ELT support the proposed changes to various programs within the "Areas of Interest" as presented by the Program Pathway Committee? (Second Reading-Attachment). Bill Simpson 0
Postponed to next meeting
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Post Covid Transition (Reopening) Planning Frank Kobayashi - Plan released last week
- Will be discussed at SSC tomorrow
- Started w/200 questions and now at 1,000 questions
- Encouraging everyone to review plan and provide feedback – ask the questions and raise the concerns

Enrollment Management Adam Karp - First chart shows persistence or retention for current students from spring to fall
- Second chart shows headcounts and demographics of those who DID NOT enroll from the fall to spring semesters
- Third shows transfer-level math and English courses for new, first-time students
- Fourth shows completion of transfer-level Math/English
- Fifth shows comparison between full and part-time students (12+ units refers to full-time for financial aid; 15+ units refers to degree maps)
- Next series refers to HomeBase students

Spring 2021 Hiring Melanie Dixon Postponed to next meeting
Student Design Team Melanie Dixon Postponed to next meeting
Topic Contact Person
DI Reports - Recommendation Review and Prioritization Melanie Dixon
Post Covid Transition (Reopening) Planning Frank Kobayashi
Strategic Planning Melanie Dixon
College-Wide Event Planning