Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Neue Leung
Eliza Arata
Edward Hashima
Kristina Casper-Denman
Oranit Limmaneeprasert
Betty Chan
Eric Chun
Gina Barnard
Susan Chou
Lori Beccarelli
Thoeung Montgomery
Roderic Agbunag
Kevin Xiong
Catherine Pohlman
Rina Roy
Narinedat Madramootoo
Nisha Beckhorn
Kay Lo
Jessie Fuapau

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Disproportionate Impact: API (2020-2021)
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: 1) Focus on Charter Objective 1 and work toward Objective 4. (Revisit Objectives 2 and 3 in November, after obtaining Research and Survey data.)
DATE OF MEETING: 10/28/2020
TIME: 10:00am
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-669-900-6833
CALL-IN CODE: Meeting ID: 991 8480 9597; Password: 846096
FACILITATOR(S): Raquel Arata & Neue Leung
ASSISTANT: Catherine Pohlman
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Recap of previous meeting Raquel Arata
Discussed DI Analysis Report
There are only 12 API categories but 22 categories including all other races and ethnicities
Laotian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander show disproportionate impact
Spoke about current efforts that support API groups
Full Circle Project - Anapeesi project at Sac State
Discussed challenges about API students and observations about API students
Discussed survey being prepared and getting feedback
Brought up idea to bring in relevant community members into this group
Update on API Data Raquel Arata & Neue Leung
Survey has been emailed from Research to API students as of Monday morning
Open for two weeks, closing Nov 9th
Analysis deadline Nov 16
Students who completed them include 3 peer mentors from PRISE - took about 10-15 minutes. Some students said it was long. Another student said it was just right in length and questions were what the student would have expected. As far as filling in their own ethnicity, it was expressed by Research that it would be hard for analysis if students fill in that information themselves so there are predetermined options
Neue said there is a possibility of having focus groups
Working on gift cards for students who complete the survey to be in a drawing, waiting to hear from ARC Foundation on final decision
Questions for the group:
Do you have ideas for how we could encourage students to participate and complete the survey? 
Member Question:
How is the survey being disseminated?
Research office created a list of who would fall into API (anyone who filled out anything having to do with Asian)
Went out to students (new and returning) by email
Focus groups is a great idea. Are we thinking about doing it with staff conducting it or having an outside consultant come in?
It would probably be ARC staff 
So it would be up to us and whoever within our group wants to volunteer
Member mentioned that social media is a good way to get surveys out to students
PRISE has an instagram and so the survey could be shared there.
Member volunteered to participate in data analysis; willing to help with either survey analysis or focus groups
We need to wait for survey results to determine who the focus groups will be and the kinds of questions we will want to ask. That would happen around Thanksgiving (around November 18th) so then there will need to be a decision made about when to get the focus groups together and what would work best for students. 
Recommendation not doing focus groups around finals week which would mean trying to get something together around January and early February
Need to be careful of the timeline
Use conceptual frameworks to give us best guesses of where to focus research and literature review
Goal of literature review to find high impact practices that can address institutional barries and produce positive outcomes for the DI students
Quick update from Research, as of today 111 students have responded. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Which conceptual framework(s) shall we adopt and apply to our literature review and data analyses? Raquel Arata 0
Seems like there can be a way to combine several models. Maybe what we propose is that we are using certain frameworks to look at the institution and certain frameworks we are using to look at students
Writing and reading assignments Raquel Arata Raquel and Neue can work on this and provide an update

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Conceptual Frameworks Neue Leung, Christopher Pheneger, & Raquel Arata Neue shared document with conceptual frameworks outlined
Member provided verbal overview of each framework
Historical exclusion and marginalization of APIs in U.S. Education All Raquel can work on draft of history section and pull in other members to identify the sub paragraphs
Then share it out to group

Topic Contact Person