Notes - Approved
Meeting Notes
Alisa Shubb
Olga Prizhbilov
Jennifer Laflam
Christina Wagner
Alice Dieli
Kathryn Sorensen
Yesenia Castellon
Pamela Chao
Corinne Arrieta
Gary Hartley
Matthew Blevis
Beth Madigan
Cheri Jones
NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Professional Development and Training (2019-2020) | |||
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Feedback on draft deliverables | |||
DATE OF MEETING: 02/07/2020 TIME: 1:30pm |
FACILITATOR(S): Alisa Shubb & Olga Prizhbilov | |||
ASSISTANT: Olga Prizhbilov | |||
MEMBERS PRESENT: Yesenia Castellon, Alice Dieli, Jennifer Laflam, Emilie Mitchell, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, Cheri Jones, Nick Daily, Christina Wagner, Pam Chao | |||
Attached Files:
Professional Development Draft Deliverable |
Topic | Person(s) Responsible | Notes | |
Feedback from convocation & IdeaScale | Alisa | Did not receive feedback at convocation. Alisa sent out the ideas scale email to campus to get feedback on the competency areas. |
Feedback from leads meeting with College President and VPI | Jen, Pam, Corinne | Plan was drafted that would deliver PD on a longer-term professional learning. 4-semester plan. The push is to continue developing our education culture and equity culture. There are components of that plan that align with PD Project Team work. 1. Personnel - proposal is that there are 4 full-time people committed to PD: 2 co-directors and 2 faculty trainers. Similar to the ITC model. Efforts to be focused on equity. 2. Location and space - need a central, accessible, innovative space from onboarding to inquiry, etc. 3. Training needs to be at the individual level and the systemic level. The focus is not just on new faculty, but another potential track for existing faculty. A faculty member could go through this training and then go back to their dept and trail their colleagues. Need to have short term trainings as well as long term trainings such as institutes. Alisa had conversations with President Greene about potential space modifications to current space in order to have this new PD Central location. Collaboration center for Professional Development. Similar to Valencia college in Texas. |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Decision(s) | Next Steps |
0 |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Next Steps | |
Review of draft (v.4a): 1) does the overall content reflect the intention & direction of the team? 2) are there suggestions for additions, deletions, corrections? 3) are there places where the language should be stronger/more specific? 3) what content/direction should be included in a recommendations section? | Alisa |
The space needs to include a welcoming space not just for faculty, but also for classified. Nick Daily shared about the idea of having a 2-day equity conference. Might think of rethinking/rebranding the name of the ITC. Could have a campaign around naming the ITC. Currently the name is faculty-focused. What the plan might still be missing is the personal accountability of developing as a professional. E.g. equity might feel like it is somewhere else on campus and not apply it to themselves. Maybe equity needs to be on evaluation forms of individuals, departments, etc. Also, people need to see their bosses in the room, engaging in equity work. Add to barriers participation - reserving rooms should be easier; Olga will take this to Operations Council. - getting speakers paid (outside speakers) Staffing model - Jen LaFlam will edit this part, with descriptions of the roles rather than the specific job titles. Steering group - rename to Advisory Group - so that it fits into the governance structure. Sufficient time - needs to have a little more explanation. Might need to address the fact that this would address specific barriers. Can use research/journals to support the essential conditions. Motivation - stipends; ESA's (Extra Service Agreement). |
To what degree should the PD Plan address funding issues and in what way should these be addressed? | Alisa | ||
What additional feedback does the team need in order to finalize the competencies, how can we gather that feedback, in what ways will feedback be utilized? | Alisa |
All PD in the future should be tied to the competencies. The competencies might even replace the ISLO's, as to how to report or tie PD to something. Should also be tied to Educational Master Plan. Each PD opportunity should have Learning Outcomes (with maybe links to the EMP, etc.). That would be one was to describe a PD event. Currently, in order to receive FLEX credit, PD needs to be linked just to the state guidelines. It's a benefit for us as a college to make PD categorization more efficient. Our PD competencies should be tied to state PD guidelines. That would help with reporting to the state. Also, it will help us see if we're missing anything from the state PD guidelines. Idea - to create focused groups to look at the competencies. Yesenia offered a student focus group. Need to have the same set of questions that we ask in focus groups. Cheri will add the 2 new competencies to ideas scale. |
Topic | Contact Person | ||
NA | |||
OTHER INFORMATION: Members to look at the draft again and see if the discussions so far are reflected in the current draft. |