Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
BJ Snowden
Adam Windham
Kathryn Sorensen
Diana Garcia
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Christina Wagner
William Robey
Joel Keebler
Jennifer Laflam
Aleia Stalker

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Provide updates on PD team, institutional campus climate study, equity training, and program review. Discuss CA audit recommendations, governance project team implementation tracking, and accreditation process
DATE OF MEETING: 10/21/2019
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roger Davidson, Adam Karp, Kevin Porter, Yujiro Shimizu, William Simpson, Corinne Arrieta Katzorke, Naomi Dasari, Joelle Gibson-Wittrup, Kuldeep Kaur, Jennifer Laflam, Kay Lo, Janay Lovering, Tyler Rollins, Rina Roy
Attached Files:
Redesign Implementation
CA State Auditor Recommendations
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Institutional Effectiveness Council Meeting Schedule Adam Karp
Meeting in Feb will be the 2nd Monday (2/10) due to holiday on the 3rd Monday.
What is the status of the Professional Development Project team? PD team representatives
-Structure for the plan will build on the Institutional Equity Plan and will provide parameters on how we will provide PD. Assessing what is already being done and what is missing. More discussion needed.
-Core competencies discussed; avoid using a once and done checklist approach.
-Vision Resource Center is a platform created by the state; useful especially for onboarding training. 
-Discussion regarding how PD requests are funded (also discussed at SSC). PD needs to be equitable, including for classified professionals. Aligning interests with the different groups on campus, need to match resources. 
Institutional Campus Climate Study update Tyler Rollins, Chris Olson
-Collaboration ongoing with the Disproportionately Impacted (DI) team leads. 
-Flexible time for survey administration (2.5 weeks) to increase participation. Sent invitations to 141 class sections (oversampling to ensure student data representation).  
-Employee survey will have some differences. Begin building it next week.  
-DI leads would like another survey to obtain responses from all the African American, Native American, and Latinx students. That instrument could ask specific questions regarding race. 
Governance Members Professional Development: Beware the Colonization of Equity Efforts Facilitated by Dr. Jackie Reza Friday, October 25, 9:00am-12:00pm (Community Rooms) Adam Karp
Workshop invitation was sent out. It will be similar to the presentation given at NCORE, but tailored to ARC. Governance process within institutional equity. 
Program Review update Janay Lovering
-This year’s cohort has been trained. Annual Unit Planning (AUP) part of the portal has been updated, able to see previous years' AUP. 
-Will incorporate the SLO program maps into the system in the future. 
Other resources (such as facilities) that were not in the system last year, are on the list to be added in.
-Discussion on Program Review's  connection to Accreditation.

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
How is ARC responding to the California State Auditor's IT audit recommendations? Adam Karp -The council provided input on the response to CA state auditor recommendations regarding accessibility of materials and instructional faculty being primary in picking instructional technology equipment.
-Input reflected that the annual unit planning process is sufficient for ensuring faculty interests are represented.

How is the college tracking the implementation of recommendations submitted by governance project teams? Adam Karp -Redesign implementation document is attached.
-Presented last month to ELT
-PES has collected project team's deliverables with status key (5 options) to show progress.
-Phase II could be inputting the data in a database to better track progress.
-How will this be communicated to the college? All recommendations come to PES first, and now interest to share with college.
-IEC to be aware of current way of tracking, as well as future tracking improvements.

What changes has the ACCJC made to the process for reaffirmation of accreditation? How will this affect ARC? How will the college organize around writing the upcoming accreditation Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER)? Adam Karp and Bill Simpson -Accreditation self evaluation report is more streamlined and focused; due Jan 2022.
-Local training on the new process will happen 11/1 at the district.
-A project team is an option to author the report (usually need 1 year to write).

Topic Contact Person