Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Update project teams Discuss climate survey Discuss frees speech at ARC Discuss future agenda items
DATE OF MEETING: 10/01/2019
TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson & Sarah Lehmann
ASSISTANT: Sarah Lehmann, Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre, Eliza Arata, Lisa Hayden, Jennifer Laflam, Mykyta Medvediev, Nicole Moise, Kathryn Sorensen, Jeffrey Stephenson,
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Pathway Communities. What is new with Pathways Communities? Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson, Jeff Stephenson, and Sarah Lehmann
Student Services is still working on models for the Pathways Communities. There are many logistics to figure out such as what will be offered, how will it be offered, where will it be offered, what it will be called, etc. The goal is to launch the Pathways Communities in Fall 2020, with a physical center for each Community. The center staffing will likely be similar to the way Achieve is set up now, with counselors, coaches/SPAs, and peer mentors. We also hope there will be financial aid staff available and faculty from the disciplines who will hold office hours. 

Q. What will be the difference between Achieve, FYE, and a Pathway Community? A. They will all be rolled into one. Achieve was a "pilot" project, and the Pathways Communities will have elements from Achieve, but we may not use the term Achieve anymore. 

Q. Will there be common training for the center staff, such as equity training? A. Yes. Training will be critical, and equity is a foundational principle. 

Q. Will the Pathways Communities serve students only in their first year? A. No, the support will extend through the pathway. We still need to look at what second year support will look like. 

Q. How will we handle undecided students? A. They will choose one of the four "schools" (although they will not be called schools), but can remain undecided. They will get support to help them choose a major/educational goal. If they change their minds, they can switch. 

The initial model may not be perfect, but it is a starting point that we can improve upon.
DI Project Team Update - Who is on the project team? What is their plan for this semester? Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Sarah Lehmann
The DI project team is working on finalizing membership. The team leads have been meeting already, and they will start meeting as a full team soon. Lisa and Sarah met with the team leads recently and discussed topics such as research approaches, timeline, deliverables, methodological frameworks, and how we might conduct research effectively at ARC. 
EMP - What is the update on Ideascale? How will input be received? Will a student be on the team? Sarah Lehmann
Sarah shared the Council's EMP-related feedback from our last meeting with the EMP team leads (Frank and Gary). The team leads responded and said they are working on recruiting a student member, they will extend the Ideascale deadline, and they will allow for anonymous feedback in Ideascale. Also, the EMP team leads had some questions about the role between the project teams and the Student Success Council. There needs to be a balance between allowing the project team to do their work while also guiding and checking in with their work as needed to make sure the deliverables are something the Council can ultimately support. Lisa and Sarah will meet with Gary and Frank to discuss these questions further. 
Institutional Climate Survey - When will the climate survey be given? Why is it being given? Adam Karp
The research office has finished planning the sample of students who will be selected to receive the survey. The sample was carefully planned to ensure that the students who receive the survey are representative of the student body as a whole. There will be three samples: main campus, Natomas, and online. Online will be oversampled to account for the typically low return rates for online surveys. Faculty will be notified by today if they've been selected to administer the survey in their class. If they agree, they will have from 10/29 - 11/22 to give the survey. The employee survey will run from mid - late October. There is a strong interest from the DI project team in getting the opportunity for input into the questions so that they can use the resulting data in their work. Request: the research office should meet with the DI project team leads. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Free Speech - What are the guidelines surrounding free speech at ARC? Case study. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Jeff Stephenson The VPs and above at the district recently attended a training about free speech on college campuses. What do we do when a group comes onto campus with signs that are graphic in nature, or when their message, content, and/or tactics may be offensive to some students, staff, or faculty? For example, there have been issues of protesters coming onto campus wearing cameras and filming students as they walk past, which bothers some students. There have been protesters who yell at students based on their appearance, orientation, etc. Administration is frequently asked why we allow these groups on campus. The answer is that as public institutions, we have an obligation to offer opportunities for free speech and cannot prevent it from occurring. Our public spaces on campus are considered free speech areas, and groups/individuals have the right to demonstrate, protest, etc. As long as they are not being violent, inciting violence, or breaking the law, College personnel cannot prevent a group from demonstrating or interfere with their right to free speech.

However, how should we handle these occurrences when the content or tactics may be upsetting to students? It is important to work with students to give them strategies for what to. Ideas:
-Text a warning to students that the protest is occurring - we do send emails, but students may see texts quicker.
-If we know about the event in advance, post a notification about the event on the website. However, we need to use neutral language. We can say that the event is not College-sponsored. We can put out warnings about graphic images.
-Hold a FLEX event on this topic?
- We need to offer support and resources and strategies for students who feel triggered. Idea: send a support team out to the protest who could offer support.
-It would be good for everyone on campus to receive the information we are receiving in this meeting. It would be good if everyone had a common understanding of our obligation to allow free speech, what spaces are considered free speech areas on campus, etc.

Other notes:
-The classroom is not a public domain and protesters can be removed from the classroom.
-Protesters are not allowed to block people's way, but to be considered "blocking the way" there would need to be a true physical barrier that people could not go around, such as a chain. If a student could walk across the grass or use another entrance to get to their destination, that is not considered to be blocking the way.
-We are required to allow amplified sound, but not if it disrupts instruction.
-We cannot set up too many barriers to free speech, such as requiring a lengthy or cumbersome application process.
-It can be challenging when two groups are exercising free speech rights on campus at the same time and possibly impeding each other.
-Groups do not have to let us know when they are coming. We do encourage them to let us know.

Q. Is it possible to designate a free speech area where the groups are allowed to protest?
A. No. All the public spaces on campus are designated as free speech areas.

Q. Can faculty and staff counter protest?
A. Yes, but only on one's own time. For classroom faculty, if you are not teaching or holding an office hour, you are not on the clock and can protest. For classified staff, if you are on the clock you can't protest. Can students counter protest? Yes, students can counter protest but they cannot hold their protest in the same place as the other group since the other group was there first.

Agenda Items - How do members of the team bring forward agenda items? What items do you want to be discussed in student success council this semester? Sarah Lehmann If you have an idea for an agenda item, email Lisa, Sarah, or Pam (once Sarah leaves).

Idea: Affordable learning materials. There is a committee that is working on this issue on campus. The committee is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate, but there are issues that could be relevant to other campus issues such as student success, program paths, Vision for Success, etc. The ALM group would like clarity on how to work through the governance process to make recommendations. They are also interested in having an administrator on the team and will work with Senate to request that appointment.

Idea: The College has hired a new director of health services who will be guiding the Student Health & Wellness Center. It would be great to give her the opportunity to share the services being offered & the vision for health & mental health services on campus. This may be a good topic for early spring semester after the new director comes on board.

Idea: Updates on Student Services changes that will affect students, staff, and faculty such as changes to admissions, business services, and the HUB. Could be done in late October.

Idea: Dual enrollment. Raquel's team are working on an FAQ document and Raquel could provide an update.

Idea: New accreditation process that ACCJC is using. It is brand new and we will be one of the first colleges to go through it. This would be a good topic for late Fall semester. Training will happen districtwide in Spring 2020.

Idea: AB 705. A lot of the work on AB 705 so far has been within departments and between departments and the District. It would be nice to have an opportunity for discussions at the College-level. Idea: invite representatives from English, Reading, Math, ESL as a panel to discuss their processes and how things are going/what are the results.

Idea: Accessibility Ally (a program in Canvas) & accessibility issues/resources on campus. Late November?

Idea: Districtwide "Front Door Redesign" efforts.
Topic Contact Person