Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: To establish a shared understanding of the decisions (and their sequencing) in AY2019-20; to familiarize ourselves with updated project charters and changes within various student service departments; to clarify and identify how best to communicate, the coming year's priorities. 
DATE OF MEETING: 09/09/2019
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Admin Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aesha Abduljabbar, Gary Aguilar, BonnyJean Bowman, Amy Gaudard, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Janay Lovering, Juan Melesio, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Regena Tiner, Alden Crow, Kuldeep Kaur, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson.
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 05.13.19 (Draft)
ELT Notes 08.05.19 (Draft)
Charter: Educational Master Plan (19-20)
Charter: Professional Development (19-20)
Charter: Strategic Enrollment Management (19-20)
Charter: Sustainability Improvement
Charter: Disproportionate Impact
Document Tracking (19-20)
Project Team Timelines (19-20)
Student Services Integration
Project Sequencing Fall 2018 - Spring 2020
Attachments will be forthcoming over the next several days.  
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. All
Student Success Council
- met last week
- updated on last year’s project teams
- council has several new members; introductions and discussion on last year’s and this year’s project teams including Institutional Equity Plan and info from report; DE 2.0 project team and how it connects to DO’s work; enrollment management; DI project team (still getting appointments named); Educational Master Plan and the use of Ideascale to gather information for EMP project team); Pathways communities

Operations Council
- hasn’t met yet
- this year’s activities include sustainability project team; continuing w/progress updates including wayfinding and wellness center; regular standing business including budget, safety, technology, etc.
 - Info on Technology Project Team to come in the future
- Construction on new Wellness Center to be completed by January; director hired and coming on board 10/21
- Wayfinding this semester:   currently have a sign shop; significant investment in equipment; start to print out new signage to color coordinate in the new four zones; wayfinding app up on website
- Facilities Master Plan:  discussing priority project w/the BOT tonight

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- hasn’t met yet
- this year’s activities include timeline for accreditation self-study report; finalizing metrics for strategic plan goals 3 & 4; climate assessment; data on demand system; moving through equity lens on climate survey (multi-faceted); annual unit planning and program review; Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER) is taking the place of the accreditation self-study; ACCJC completed a redesign process and ARC will be one of the first colleges going through the new process
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts. All
Associated Student Body
- New board members
- Learning Brown Act
- Focused on getting appointments to committees
- Aramark committee very active

- Retreat next week
- Madera College will be shadowing in order to establish a classified senate
Academic Senate
- Advisory committees (CTL, Honors and possibly WAC); transfer Center advisory committee
- Project to update faculty handbook; including advice on putting together syllabus

- ALC retreat in August; panel discussion w/faculty and students who attended interfaith conference in Chicago; sometimes non-inclusive particularly in scheduling mtgs vs religious holidays
Information will be provided regarding the search process for the next college president. Thomas Greene
- Community forum in fall to gather college input
- Search process in the spring
Calendar information describing the sequencing of dialogue and consensus seeking of the 2019-20 project teams and councils (flow of recommendations/reports) will be provided in draft form and reviewed. Adam Karp
- Trying to eliminate the bottleneck of project team reports coming to constituency groups or councils for reporting/sharing; possibly produce in date order
- Document tracking
- Sequencing of projects
- Need to show immediate conflicts
- Meeting room prioritization; President’s Office will investigate
The 2019-20 Project Charters will be reviewed and discussed. Council Chairs / Co-Chairs
- A regular agenda item
- No new updates from council chairs/co-chairs
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of Notes: May 13, 2019 Thomas Greene Consensus
Approval of Notes: August 5, 2019 (Retreat) Thomas Greene Consensus
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What actions (refinements, changes, etc.) to the governance system/IGOR were taken in response to the assessment of the 2018-19 governance process? Adam Karp Communication
- Forward Motion: a monthly communication on the happenings of the councils, current projects, approved projects, what’s next
- Yearly Snapshot: a year’s long caption of the college’s accomplishments and what happened over the year
- Organize documents
- Pulled out charters from documents
- Latest version of charters will reside online
What are recent and upcoming changes within Student Services (e.g., program relocations, integration of service-delivery, etc.) that you and your constituency members need to know about? (Attachment forthcoming) Jeff Stephenson - Kudos for the number of students served during the first week of the semester: 1,510 general counseling; 1,185 Connect Center; 3,052 UTP stickers (8/1 through first week of school); 350 Beaver Pantry
- More sidewalks closed in the near future due to construction; looking into carts for those w/mobility issues; increased signage
- Need Business Services presence in Welcome & Support Center to make it a one-stop shop; currently in discussions
- Achieve serving all new incoming students (3600 students in 6 teams)
- Enrollment Services changing to Admissions; working to get transcripts evaluated up front; improving processes (streamlining)
- Starfish: (early alert program) to be launched in January
- Connect: (case management system)
- Highpoint Degree Planner: tool for students to choose major and design schedules of required courses
- Working towards streamlining advanced ed / dual enrollment processes
- Maxient: discipline / behavioral software; Title IX; builds history of student and info is shared district-wide
What are the colleges top priorities heading into the 2019-20 academic year? And, how do we better communicate our shared priorities to the college? (Attachment forthcoming) Thomas Greene - Wayfinding top priority (particularly in light of construction on the campus)
- Continue improvements on website to make sure we’re meeting the needs of its users
- Integrating work (i.e., implementing pathways and pathway communities being developed)
- Converging work of project teams
- More equity focus in the work we are doing
- How can ASB be more involved in signage, etc?
- Need student perspective and input on wayfinding
- Student input on pathways communities
- District administrators seem more interested in our work than in the past
- Guided pathways decisions for full implementation in Fall 2020
- Work not intended to be perfect
- Direct changes to students’ experience
Topic Contact Person
Reflections on Fall 2019 leadership trainings. Karp