Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Gary Aguilar
Jeff Bucher
Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
Roger Davidson
Chad Funk
Jessica Pressley
Susan Andre
Robin Reilly
Marianne Harris
Grant Goold
Kuldeep Kaur
Aleia Stalker
Cheri Jones
Michaela Cooper

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Educational Master Plan (2019-2020)
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss feedback on draft imperatives (summary version). Talk through each section of the final template to identify any content the team would like to see in the draft that was not identified in previous meetings
DATE OF MEETING: 10/10/2019
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
CALL-IN NUMBER:Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
CALL-IN CODE: Meeting ID: 320 974 6666
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi & Gary Aguilar
ASSISTANT: Aleia Stalker
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aleia Stalker, Cheri Jones, Frank Kobayashi, Gary Aguilar, Grant Goold, Jeff Bucher, Jessica Pressley, Joshua Harris, Kuldeep Kaur, Marianne Harris, Robin Reilly, Roger Davidson, Susan Andre
INVITED GUEST(S): Gary Aguilar, Susan Andre, Jeff Bucher, Michaela Cooper, Roger Davidson, Chad Funk, Daniel Gilbert-Valencia, Grant Goold, Joshua Harris, Marianne Harris, Cheri Jones, Kuldeep Kaur, Frank Kobayashi, Jessica Pressley, Robin Reilly, Brett Sawyer, Aleia Stalker
Attached Files:
Draft Imperatives
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check in Frank Kobayashi
We have a new committee member, Joshua Harris (student representative). Introductions were made by all in attendance; name and department/title. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Discuss feedback on draft imperatives (summary version) Frank Kobayashi & Gary Aguilar Everyone has now seen the draft imperatives. Cheri Jones has compiled information from all previous meetings as well as all outreach events and IdeaScale campaigns. We will go through each imperative individually, but first, are there any immediate thoughts?
- How many imperatives are we targeting? Do we really need to have 14? This feels like a lot, initially thinking 5 or 6.
- This is the first attempt to ensure that all necessary topics are included in the document. We have the sense that we want to be concise and expect the number of imperatives to shrink. But everything has been included to keep all discussions on the table for now.
- These are all really good thoughts, but do all of these things pertain to this plan directly? Or would they be better fit with other committees?
- That is the purpose of including everything, so that we can figure out what is pertinent to this plan specifically.
- What is the goal of the College by the end of this Educational Master Plan timeframe? Is it to increase student population? Is it to retain students? To ensure the success of our students? Which goals are pertinent to this document?
- We have a charter to produce this document, with our vision for the future. The idea is to take all of the research that has been done over the last several months and create a compass for the school. We really don’t have a specific answer- our task is to figure this out.
- The goal here is to go to the imperatives and see how they fit in to the educational plan. Then take them to a high level, 20-year projection. How do we take these detailed ideas and approach them on a more general level?
- This plan fits into the Mission Vision Values and the College Equity plan. The challenge with reading this document is that while it fits in with these other documents, is that it’s on a slice of the big picture.
- How do these imperatives relate to the seven goals for the Vision for Success?
- There won’t necessarily be a direct correlation, however, Vision for Success will be part of the overarching document and they will tie together.
- While the Vision for Success is important, it is only meant to extend to the next 5 years. This work is intended to reach much further. Given that information is it necessary to tie that document into the Educational Master Plan?
- As a reminder these topics came from the feedback from all groups and events. There is no order to the imperatives, it is random. If there is anything missing- there is still room to add it.
Imperative #1: Close the Opportunity Gap
- Maybe add dual enrollment, especially as it relates to marginalized population.
- Digital divide and access to technology: refers to the students who do not have access to technology, especially as we become more dependent on technology.
- Keep.
Imperative #2: Prepare Student for the Future of Work
- Remove “due to automation” in the first bullet. Job change happens for a variety of reason, removing that wording makes it more general and applicable.
- Overall this imperative seems to be too buzz wordy. This document is meant to be pertinent for 20-30 years, we want the wording to be relevant down the road. Find a new way to say the “future of work”.
- What is meant by “role of the community college in mitigating the expected inequities of worker displacement”?
- Acknowledgement that the jobs that are most likely to be replaced by automation are those held by marginalized groups. This statement is basically just addressing the question of what is the role of Community College in this situation.
- Keep.
Imperative #3: Extend Liberal Education
- Possibly replace “extend” with “integrate”
- “Liberal Education” sort of implies that there is one liberal education. What do we mean by liberal education?
- We are referring to critical thinking skills. Not just having a specific skill set, but the ability to apply various concepts to different work dynamics.
- Everyone has a different view of what liberal education means. Some are positive and some are not. Perhaps not using such polarizing language in the title is a good idea.
- Should this imperative be rolled up into Imperative #2? As automation grows, students with a broader education are more adaptable.
- Last bullet to read: “Bridging between career education and liberal education” and also get rid “German” apprenticeship models.
- “Integrate Career Education with Transfer Education” or “Integrate Liberal Education” or “Integrate Critical Thinking and Collaboration Skills” or “Preparing for an Ever-Changing Landscape of Work”
- Both imperatives two and three are really big topics but also related. Should they be combined?
- Combining them makes the imperative more general, stronger, and longer-lasting.
- Undecided: Stand-alone or combine 2 & 3.
Imperative #4: Tailor Experiences to the Individual (Student-Centric)
- Possibly combine this with imperative #7 as they are very similar. By doing #4 you would make #7 a reality.
- Do we want to use the term fast-track or accelerated? Accelerated seems to be a more widely accepted term.
- Provide more context for entry & exit. Possibly change to “multiple start points”?
- Provide further explanation on “alternate schedule”. Not just 16 or 8 week, or competency based. Referring to any schedule other than the full-term option.
- Keep. Include #7 as support.
Imperative #7: Position ARC as a Viable Alternative
- All points are good, they just need to be moved. This should be the support for #4.
- Get rid of- add to #4.
Imperative #5: Enable Employers with Skilled Labor
- Same experience as #4 & #7. This is already covered in imperative #2. They cover the same issue, but from different perspectives (employer and student).
- This addresses more of the connection and integration of employers with the college.
- “Strengthening connections to business and expanding partnerships” should be the heart of this imperative.
- Possibly change the title to “Strengthen Connections between the College and Employers” and then it does stand alone.
- “Minimize institutional barriers”- we also need to minimize barriers in the workplace. Remove “institutional” and add some examples from the work place.
- Keep. With a new title.
Imperative #6: Explore New Frontiers in Learning
- Can we change the title to include “Teaching and Learning”? We need to make sure that we stay at the forefront of pedagogy.
- Include simulation-based learning.
- If we are doing the other imperatives correctly- this should not be an imperative. It should already be accomplished.
- The word “explore” is too passive to be part of the title. You can explore without integrating. We need a more forward thinking call to action.
- Like that this is a direct call out to maintain professional development and keep the workforce at on the cutting edge of teaching and learning. We need to stay at the forefront of our craft. American River College should be the Teachers College.
- Keep. New title: “Exemplary Teaching and Learning”.
Imperative #8: Thrive in an Age of Disruption
- There are a lot of great ideas/topics that fit better into 11 and 12. But it does not stand alone as an imperative.
- Get rid of. Disperse among other imperatives.
Imperative #9: Fulfill the Social Responsibility
- Social responsibility needs to be woven into everything. Does it make it more prominent to have its own imperative? Consensus among the group is that it should be a part of every imperative.
- Get rid of. Integrate into all imperatives.
Imperative #10: Growth in reach and Access
- If we are doing the other things right, we get this.
- What happens the budget shrinks and we don’t want to grow? How do you continue to meet this imperative?
- We need to shift how we measure growth. Growth can be the populations that we are reaching. Expanding growth to the elementary school level.
- Possibly combine with imperative #11.
- Get rid of. Integrate into other imperatives.
Imperative #11: Strive for Operational Effectiveness
- At the District level we need to resolve clunkiness in order to get to these long-term objectives.
- This was mentioned in almost all feedback, we need to keep it.
- “Strive” indicates that it’s out of reach. “Maintain” implies that we are there and puts us in a place of complacency. Achieve, Increase, Streamline are all possible options.
- Keep. Rename.
Imperative #12: Adapt the Physical Campus
- Navigating the campus is huge issue. Physical accessibility for DSPS students.
- Green space for teaching and learning: keeping the greenspace throughout the campus (no over developing).
- More shared work environments and maker spaces. Incubators where you have multiple disciplines sharing spaces.
- Address the needs of students with children: study areas you can bring children to.
- Employer space: a physical space for employers to have a location and speak with students.
- Keep.
Imperative #13: Cultivate Financial Sustainability
- Is this something we should keep as peace of mind that protecting staff and faculty is at the forefront?
- If we are doing this correctly we should get this.
- It seems to self-serving to specifically call it out. These documents should cover what we are doing for the students.
- Automation won’t necessarily reduce jobs. We usually end up with a different way to look at things differently and do a deeper dive.
- There is an intersection between the funding formula and new/innovative ways to seek funding. The State will not cover us forever. We definitely need to integrate funding formula into the document, but may not necessarily be as an imperative.
- Get rid of. Integrate into #11.
Imperative #14: Evolve the Ecosystem: Advocacy, Collaboration, and Coordination
- Remove “Evolve the Ecosystem” and replace with “Strengthen”.
- Focus on partnerships is a good goal to have.
- These big action verbs, advocacy, collaboration, coordination seem to all be included across the imperatives already.
- This is something that we are definitely going to see- important to be called out.
- If the importance of our outside relationships is not part of the Educational Master Plan, will they be abandoned in the next recession?
- Can we include “develop self-advocacy” along with advocate for our students?
- Keep.

We will have an initial draft by next Friday. Please thoroughly review the draft before the next meeting as we are going out with the document in draft form in the next month.

Topic Contact Person