Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
BJ Snowden
Derrick Booth
Melissa Fish
Steven Roberson
Margaret Lednicky
Kelly Benitez
Adrienne Andrews
Jeff Bucher
Michele Arnott
Pamela Bimbi
Jordan Meyer
Stephanie Saucedo
BonnyJean Bowman
Hannah Blodgett
Luke Bourez
Mary Goodall
Dr. M. Martinez
Lori Shull

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Operations Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Hear updates from Facilities, Wayfinders, Safety, Technology, and Professional Development. Approve Sustainability Project Team Initiation document and Charter. Discuss Indigenous Land Statement and its uses.
DATE OF MEETING: 04/23/2019
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Administrative Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur, Olga Prizhbilov
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michele Arnott, Pamela Bimbi, Derrick Booth, BonnyJean Bowman, Roger Davidson, Christopher Day, Keri Jumelet, Hironobu Kobayashi, Beth Madigan, Sarah Mattson, Isolina San Juan, Cheryl Sears, David Shrope-Austin, Craig Weckman, BonnyJean Bowman, Parrish Geary, Beth Madigan, Olga Prizhbilov
INVITED GUEST(S): Jesus Valle, Faculty and Scott Crow, Public Information Officer from ARC
Attached Files:
2019_03_26 OC Notes
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
What are the facilities & maintenance updates since the last meeting? Cheryl Sears
Operations Director Cheryl Sears reported the following:
1) Workforce division has been moved into the Library basement so all employees and supervisors are together.
2) Paramedics have moved into Portable Village, Room 140 to make way for the new Sign Shop
3) Admissions/Records and Business Services: a new front counter is in; glass will be delivered withing the next 2 weeks; June 3 is the final installation so Admissions/Records employees and supervisors will move to the Informational Technology Center (ITC).
4) Wayfinders: a purchase order is in to District for equipment for signage and banners
5) Library breakroom is completed on the second floor of the Library
6) Davies Hall: an Adjunct Faculty workspace is almost completed on the fourth floor
7) A south well behind the small gym has been decommissioned and the well will be removed
8) Wellness Center: coming along
9) Gym: a final layout is approved; the gym will be closed on May 22, 2019
10) Annex: will be the future home of the food pantry; ready for a walk through with Facilities Management (FM), and the Division of State Architects (DSA) may need to approve as well.
11) STEM yard- the steel beams are up
12) Twin Rivers: we are moving out
13) Natomas Outreach Center: remodeling admissions counter
14) Counseling: adding new counselor
15) Lots of furniture to reappropriate
What is the progress on the Wayfinders work? Cheryl Sears
Operations Director Cheryl Sears reported that the QR Codes are in progress and may be completed by the end of Fall 2019.
What are the safety updates since the last meeting? Captain Chris Day
Captain Chris Day reported that all fire drills scheduled are completed; next on will be in Fall 2019. Staffing is still a challenge. Quad areas have groups participating in freedom of speech. A camera project with over 400 security cameras district-wide is underway; ARC has 2 temporary cameras in G Lot as oversight for bicycles on campus to avoid thefts. Earth Day is April 24, 2019, and ARC will be participating with leadership from Printing Services Supervisor Don Reid. Graduation requires Campus Police to plan to cover 4 campuses. Captain Day spoke at an all-day classified professional development conference in April on safety, and has given safety talks at TABIS, a brain trauma class for disabled students at EOP &S, Facilities Management, and Fine & Applied Arts. The Rave Guardian app can now be downloaded.
What are the technology updates since the last meeting? Jeff Bucher
IT Supervisor Jeff Bucher could not attend; no report was given.
What are the updates on the professional development work since the last meeting? Olga Prizhbilov
Operations Co-Chair Olga Prizhbilov reported that a new Professional Development Team will be starting up in the Fall 2019 under the Institutional Effectiveness Council.
What is the progress on the Wellness Center Project Team's recommendations? Parrish Geary
Parrish Geary reported that there have been discussions on what the baseline services of the Wellness Center will look like. Services will be available to our outreach centers one day a week.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Do the meeting notes from the last council meeting (March26th) reflect the discussion accurately? All Yes, consensus that the Notes accurately reflect the March 26, 2019 meeting.
Does the Operations Council support the Sustainability Project Team Initiation Document and Charter? Kuldeep Kaur & Olga Prizhbilov Olga Prizhbilov reported on the Sustainability Improvement Charter which will go to the Executive Leadership Staff for approval. Operations Council voted unanimously to approvethe Charter as read.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
All Gender Restrooms Cheryl Sears Cheryl Sears reported that there was discussion with personnel from Equity Programs & Pathways (Alejandra Garcia) about the difference between advertising/marketing versus signage protocol regarding the all gender bathrooms on campus. Cheryl will meet again with Ms. Garcia over the summer, and will bring back this issue to Operations Council in the Fall 2019.
Creation of forms/processes. Parrish Geary Olga spoke to the request to standardize forms which came up at a dean's meeting. Parrish talked about a substitution equivalency form or one universal form. He is researching TEASE, an online database that will track forms through the workflow and signature process. Would like to see "dynamic forms" in workflow process.
Convocation Input: 1) What are the Council members' thoughts on Convocation featuring an outside speaker? 2) What are the Council members' thoughts on how to feature student voices at Convocation? 3) What are some key messages that should be conveyed at Convocation? Scott Crow Scott Crow, Public Information Officer, addressed the Operations Council about getting feedback on Convocation. Does Convocation truly reflect the redesign process and strategic plan of the college? Ideas included inspirational guests, student panels, videos, a theme, and industry involvement (Career Technology Education).
Governance Review Adam Karp Adam Karp could not attend; No report.
Topic Contact Person
1) All Gender Bathrooms Cheryl Sears
2) Mining Equipment Exhibit on campus - donated by English faculty who asked that the cannon be pointed at his office in English department. Cheryl Sears