Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
Adam Windham
Melissa Fish
Diana Garcia
Sumiah Alharasis
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Joel Keebler
Brenda Valles
Tammi Driver

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Status of program review and annual unit planning, data on demand system, ACCJC Midterm Report, Annual Report, Fiscal Report; discuss professional development team charter; discuss Vision for Success goal alignment and metrics; Review draft Institutional Equity Plan
DATE OF MEETING: 03/18/2019
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Inna Linnyk, Yujiro Shimizu, William Simpson, Corinne Arrieta Katzorke, Parrish Geary, Joelle Gibson-Wittrup, Tyler Rollins, Rina Roy, Alisa Shubb, Roger Davidson
INVITED GUEST(S): Joshua Moon Johnson, Pam Chao, Chris Olson
Attached Files:
SEA draft
Program Review Presentation Guidelines
ARC Institutional Equity Plan Draft 03-17-19
DRAFT Local Vision for Success Goals
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Program Review Update Alisa Shubb; Adam Karp
-Two dates for program review presentations: 4/24 and 5/8. No practice session, but presentations can be shown to Quest team prior to presentations.
-Presentation guidelines in the agenda attachments, with list of questions to prompt dialogue. Created a new power point template that matches the questions from program review. Each program will get 15 minutes total.
Annual Unit Planning Update Adam Karp
-The system is open for reviewers (ex: deans) through April 12th. 
-Conversations in drop in training sessions have been useful. Program review (PR) training was comprehensive but the connection between AUP and PR is not as apparent. Concept training will be created and the drop in can be more for technical questions. 
-Feedback: some users have trouble viewing documents within the system. Some departments use other applications (such as google docs) to collaborate, then upload the report when completed. 

Rollout of Data on Demand system Chris Olson
-The system will be live very soon, and communication will be sent to the college community. 
-There will be training for the campus community and what each program can focus on. 
-Specific data for each instructor will be the next phase. 
ACCJC Annual Report and Fiscal Report Yuj Shimizu
Annual report: waiting on availability of necessary data to completed report, leading to a quick turn around. The report is shorter this year as the SLOs section was removed. Institutional Set Standards are the minimum and stretch goals standards are aspirations. Report is due 4/5, but will be shown to the president prior to submission.
-Idea to align our stretch goals with the Strategic Plan and Vision for Success goals for degrees, certificates, and transfers. 

-Fiscal report: district is working on this report and will send to ARC. 
Status of ACCJC Midterm Report Adam Karp
The report has been submitted.
Status of Student Success and Achievement (SEA) compliance report Adam Karp
-Rough draft of this report submitted to district and is going to Student Success Council tomorrow. Draft document shown and discussion of the research data. 
-State provided student equity data in a separate system. Very focused list of populations where disproportionately impacted (DI) (see attached). 
-State has had 4 different lens used to calculate DI in the last about 5 years. However, the state picked just one methodology for many metrics.
-Within the report, section 5 relates to many aspects including finances, due to specific programs being paid out of SSSP money. ARC's response is stating yes, we are making progress towards our goals. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What feedback does the Council have on the draft Institutional Equity Plan? Joshua Moon Johnson Feedback:
-Town hall may need to be rescheduled to after the IEC meeting on 4/8 in order to report out to the campus community.
-Discussion regarding topics that are unlikely to change such as class size and child care. The purpose of including these is to honor the voices and input received, even if there is no solution at this time. The report is both practical and aspirational at different times.
-Many of the issues brought up are already in progress of being addressed.
-Invisible separation of instruction and student services. There is a recommendation to have collaborative space for people to work together. Professional development doesn’t always need to be separate (faculty vs staff).
-Discussion regarding cabinet level position recommendation. Reasoning included: person who can lobby for equity and keep tabs on climate and departmental audits. To ensure campus knows who to contact, instead of adding on to existing positions. Achieving the Dream recommends a chief diversity officer, however there is no title recommended at this point in this report. If presidential staff and/or focus on equity changes, this position would be even more important. There could be two co-chiefs of diversity: one from instruction and one from student services.

What feedback does the Council have on the draft Vision for Success goal alignment student success metrics? Adam Karp -Alignment within the reports, stretch goals etc. It would be useful to show what is from district, state and what is coming internally.
-Colleges do not need to set equity goals for 3 and 4 and data does need to be disaggregated for these goals either.
-Discussion regarding the percentage points in the SEA data. The attached document contains an explanation on the math.

Topic Contact Person
Evaluation of Governance process Adam Karp