Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Review SEA Discuss Convocation First Read DI Project Team Charter 
DATE OF MEETING: 04/23/2019
TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Sarah Lehmann, Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
ASSISTANT: Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag,  Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Kate Williamson, Pamela Chao, Nicole Moise, Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Jen LaFlam, Jeff Stephenson
Attached Files:
DI Project Team Draft Charter
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
SEA Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson,
Adam shared the SEA plan in NOVA and explained the difference between the template provided by CCCCO and the NOVA system. The OIR and administration are working to ensure the template and the NOVA system are consistent and compliant.  
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
DI Populations Project Team: Charter Review Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson & Sarah Lehmann 0
The DI Project Team Charter calls for a final report that situates the educational experiences of DI students in historical context, summarizes relevant literature, identifies barriers and motivators to success, and for each group, outlines both a methodological approach and recommended high-impact methods for closing equity gaps. The Council reviewed the document and shared the following questions/feedback:
Q. Will the recommended methods include both student services and instruction? It seems focused on student services.
A. Yes, absolutely. Everyone must be involved. We will make sure it's clear that both instruction and student services are critical.

Q. In "Success Indicators #3", should we include the word "sustainable"?"
A. Yes, good idea. Recommended methods should be sustainable, affordable, and manageable.

Q. Would this group focus on API populations?
A. This group will focus on the three populations that see the most DI, but there are plans for possible future DI Populations teams, which will include API students and other groups such as LGBTQ students. We will specifically clarify the focus for the current DI Populations group in the risks/constraints sections. It was noted that there could be important crossovers between the experiences of Native students and the experiences of indigenous API groups such as Native Hawaiians.

Q. In the risks/constraints/dependencies section, how are the dominant groups on campus going to be prepared to receive these recommendations, listen, and follow the leadership from this project team?
A. There is a risk that some folks will read the report but not be willing to accept the recommendations. There are also lots of faculty and staff who are eager to learn more about how they can better serve DI students. In the assumptions section we will add that the College community is willing to hear and act upon the team's recommendations. In the risks/constraints/dependencies section we will add the risk that not everyone is ready/willing to listen to and receive the recommendations, and that the existing system of power/privilege could pose a barrier to the recommendations being heard. However, this work is needed and it is a risk worth taking.

Observation: It is important that the team is comprised of folks from the same racial/ethnic backgrounds as the DI students this team is focusing on.

Observation: Puente tends to have a Mexican-American focus. We want to be sure we hear and consider perspectives from all Latinx populations. We may broaden the wording in the committee makeup section to reflect this.

Observation: in terms of student involvement on the team, the students that tend to be involved in learning communities and who volunteer for project teams tend to already be very engaged. We want to make sure we also find out why other students are not as engaged and capture their perspectives as well.

Request: Can there be a Latinx administrator assigned to the team.
A. There is a slot for an administrator of Latinx, Black or African American, or Native background. However, there likely would not be room on the team or institutional capacity to have an administrator from each group. The project co-lead will also be an administrator from one of these three backgrounds.

Question: Can a classified staff person be one of the project leads?
A. Yes, possibly. There will be three project leads (one that represents each DI group) and one co lead, who will be an administrator. It was noted that it is crucial to have an administrator on the team to help establish parameters.

Suggestion: include a community member from the K-12 system.

Observation: Families and family support are very important for these three student groups. We want to find a way to include the perspective of family members. Suggestion: Integrated discussion group or focus group that involves family members of students. In the EAI discussions, parents have brought a rich dimension to the integrated discussion groups.

Feedback: the elder/spiritual leader perspective is critical. Wording suggestion: "spiritual/community leader."

Lisa/Sarah welcome any additional feedback.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Convocation discussion - President Greene has asked the CTL to be involved in planning a Convocation that supports our college's mission of social justice and equity. Questions for the Council: 1) What are the Council members' thoughts on Convocation featuring an outside speaker? 2) What are the Council members' thoughts on how to feature student voices at Convocation? 3) What are some key messages that should be conveyed at Convocation? Jennifer Laflam, Scott Crow Scott Crow and Jen LaFlam discussed aligning convocation with the college's mission on social justice and equity. A group of students, managers, classified, and faculty are meeting 4 times this semester to determine input to be given to inform convocation. All councils are being asked for their input, to help inform the work of the previous group. Feedback from the council included a desire to spark interest in issues that would perhaps be aligned with professional development. Sending a message of being okay with being uncomfortable. Student voices would be helpful. Inspiring keynote would be a great way to start. Frank Harris and others were suggested. Outside voices important for credibility, but students should not be exoticized. Perhaps smaller breakouts would be helpful. Discussion of closing college so all permanent staff and faculty can attend convocation, a different venue and clearer visuals (hard to see anther in venue).
Starfish Early Alert Discussion Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Jessica Nelson, Kathleen O'Brien Sonia provided an overview of the Starfish system and how it will be rolled at on campus. She discussed the process at District Office and mentioned that she is the administrative lead and Jessica Nelson and Kathleen O'Brien are the faculty leads. She shared a Starfish video. The product includes early alert and kudos for students. Messages can be customizable. The committee discussed training is needed to help faculty understand how to customize and use early alert tools. Sierra College and Santa Barb. CC have implemented these tools already, and Sonya will be meeting with the colleges to learn about their experiences. Flex activities will be scheduled as well. The insider page has a video "Five Minutes to Learn About Starfish" for faculty.
Governance Assessment Discussion Adam Karp Governance Assessment will be ready by the end of this week. Three parts: 1) Survey to anyone who served on a council or project team; 2) Facilitated conversation in each council on growth opportunities for each, without chairs present; 3) survey to a sample of the college.
Topic Contact Person