Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Provide updates about SEA and Student Success Metrics; Review charters for Strategic Enrollment Management and EMP; Receive update on Achieve.
DATE OF MEETING: 02/05/2019
TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson & Sarah Lehmann
ASSISTANT: Teresa Wigner, Sarah Lehmann
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre, Eliza Arata, Pamela Chao, Jennifer Laflam, Nicole Moise, Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Teresa Wigner
INVITED GUEST(S): Daniel Gilbert-Valencia Kale Braden
Attached Files:
Strategic Enrollment Management
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
ELSS Update and Request for Possible Resource Panel Kale Braden
The ELSS Project Team requests to form four Resource Panels to accomplish specific tasks. The Project Team would like to broaden participation in this project and needs to accomplish several logistical tasks before handing the project over to a permanent team. The Council approved the request for the four Resource Panels. The ELSS Project Chair and Co-Chair (Kale and Dyne) will submit mini charters to the SSC and will recruit Resource Panel members. 
Strategic Enrollment Management Project Initiation Form Review Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson & Sarah Lehmann
There is a need for a project team to coordinate strategic enrollment management. The ELSS Project Team worked out the logistics of setting up the software. The SEM group will work on strategic decisions like how to use our data effectively. The ELT has approved the Project Initiation Form. The SSC members reviewed the PIR; no questions were raised and all gave "thumbs up." 
Educational Master Plan Project Initiation Form Review Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson & Sarah Lehmann
The College has never had a comprehensive Educational Master Plan. This team will create our first such document that will help guide the work of the college. It will survey the region, labor market, changing demographics, changes to education in the local area, upcoming legislation, etc. 
SEA Template, Student Success Metrics, Equity Plan Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
The SEA Template is a report on how our funds for Equity, BSI, and SSSP were utilized. We will need to align our student success metrics with the "vision for success." This plan will integrate with the Institutional Equity Plan as well. The upcoming CUE conference will help us with this document. As we complete the template, we will try to be strategic and avoid repeating work. 
Online 2.0 Update Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
This DE report is not just an incremental adjustment but a full-college view of DE. Most departments have seen huge growth in DE but have been handling it on their own - ARC Online 2.0 intends to streamline DE and make the college as a whole more DE friendly. The team welcomes feedback. The link will be sent to the campus soon. 
Clarify Program Paths Update Sarah Lehmann
Bill Simpson's team is continuing to work on mapping programs, with a focus on the most popular programs in the ATD degrees. They are also working with Ben Barber and the web team to develop ATLAS, an online tool students can use to map their schedules and see which courses meet which GE requirements.  
Achieve Update Sonia Ortiz-Mercado
The Achieve team is planning student engagement activities for the rest of the semester. They are particularly focusing on interventions for "at risk" Achieve students. Next summer, there will be a series of one-day student orientations (students can choose which day works best for them). Going forward, the Achieve eligibility process has been simplified. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
The Council will need to form a Resource Panel to write the SEA report. How should we decide who serves on the panel? Sarah Lehmann & Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson Council members agreed that Lisa and Sarah will recommend who should serve on the SEA Resource Panel.
Topic Contact Person