Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
BJ Snowden
Adam Windham
Kathryn Sorensen
Diana Garcia
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Christina Wagner
William Robey
Joel Keebler
Jennifer Laflam
Aleia Stalker

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Updates on Institutional Equity Plan, Governance, Midterm Report, Data on Demand; Action on Integrated Planning Guide
DATE OF MEETING: 12/17/2018
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Karp, Inna Linnyk, Kevin Porter, Yujiro Shimizu, William Simpson, Joelle Gibson-Wittrup, Kay Lo, Tyler Rollins, Alisa Shubb
INVITED GUEST(S): Joshua Moon Johnson
Attached Files:
Integrated Planning Guide
Institutional Research Policy on Survey Use
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Institutional Equity Plan project team update Joshua Moon Johnson
This semester, the team is gathering information from the campus community including a Town hall meeting with table topics to guide conversation. Approximately 20 listening sessions were held with 6 guiding questions and note takers for different groups on campus including: veterans, first generation, LGBTQ. This work was supported through assistance from the research office. 

-In January, finding major themes from the data collected at the meetings; mid February summarize themes making institutional approach. Make recommendations from this, goal is by mid-March for proposed report to be shared with IEC for feedback; revise and return to IEC mid-April. Report will then go to ELT, and then PES for implementation. Should also present this information to the constituency groups (at least an executive summary), the sooner the better. 
-Implementation can be difficult if process is not transparent and campus community does not feel heard. Regardless of the outcome of the report, the process has been helpful and beneficial. Will have a final town hall for those that are invested in the process and/or those who want to ask questions. 
Convocation -- Integrated Planning Training and Institutional Equity Plan Alisa Shubb, Joshua Moon Johnson
Plan for convocation to have 3 rooms for the breakouts:
- Integrated planning process
-IEP: update with presentation as well as question and answer segment
-Walk-through gallery experience for ARC 2.0, ELSS, CPP and other updates. 
ACCJC Midterm Report Process Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
-At DACC (Dec 7), shared themes from each college report. Described ARC’s changes in governance for which there was a lot of interest. Project team approach is fairly new for the district, see how ARC’s work is spreading. 
-Feb board meeting will have three slides to present midterm report, one will be a photo. Will be a high level overview presented by Adam Karp and Bill Simpson. 
Governance Update - IGOR Inna Linnyk
-Change in programmer assigned to IGOR. Cheri Jones, Tressa Tabares, and Adam Karp have been meeting with programmers to address aspects of IGOR.
-Changes will be published soon, including adding PDF on notes page and Forward motion section.
Data on Demand system update Adam Karp
-Update was shown, not published yet. The data is based on a trend of last three years, and each group (African American, Native American, etc) has a different goal (Vision for Success used for goal creation). 
-The Strategic Plan data will be whole college, not drillable. 
-An update will be given at convocation in the President's presentation.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the Council support forwarding the Integrated Planning Guide deliverable to the Executive Leadership Team? Adam Karp -This was brought to the Academic Senate last meeting. Possible concern regarding overriding existing regulations 10 +1 or title 5. However, this is a guide that does not state policy only describes.
-This document lists what council is in charge of which plans but some do not exist yet. The ELT assigns the project teams to councils.

-Consensus to forward to ELT.

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Vision for Success Goal Alignment Process Adam Karp -By Dec 15th, each college had to verify these goals were being addressed. Task is to set goals to which all four LRCCD colleges can agree. State chancellor advised as a system by 2021, want to be here on these state determined topics. District appointed members to these meetings including each college’s research dean, and senate(s) presidents.
-Each college will locally determine their own from x to y (ex: from 60% to 64% success rate) for the goals by target year 2021. In March/April will share updates with the councils.

-State wide dashboard has high level data. This is campus wide and is not able to choose data options (such as by gender or ethnicity) in comparison with ARC’s Data on Demand system.

How can we improve our approach to conducting institutional surveys? Adam Karp -Working on draft to document survey process for institutional research. Many campus groups use surveys and the process needs both coordination and alignment.
-This will: reduce survey fatigue for participants, and ensure ethics in both what is asked and how information is stored. Working with research office maintains reliability and confidentiality of data.
-Possible idea for survey “seal” showing approved by the research department, as well as a repository of approved questions that can be used for different surveys.

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