Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Angela Milano
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Liz Geisser
Mary Goodall
Carissa Thomas
Kaitlyn Collignon
Sapeidah Saeedi
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick
Brenda Valles

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: The ELT will hear updates from the various councils and constituency groups.  It will also review the updated Project Team sequencing and charters for 2019-20.
DATE OF MEETING: 04/01/2019
TIME: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Admin Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Tamara Floyd, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Rebeca Rico-Chavez, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson
INVITED GUEST(S): Cheryl Sears & Annaliese Pennell
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 03.04.19 (draft)
Advisory Committees
Advisory Committees (Mark-up)
2019-20 Educational Master Plan Charter.v2.1
2019-20 Professional Development Charter-v3.1
2019-20 SEM Charter-Draft Revised-v2.1.pdf
2019-20 Sustainability Improvement-Draft Charter-v2.1
Project Sequencing 2019-20.pdf
Scheduling Overview for 2019-20 Project Teams
Sustainability Project Team Initiation
SEA Draft Report
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. Council Chairs / Co-Chairs
Operations Council
- facilities and maintenance updates
- consensus of indigenous land statement and seeking ELT support
- first reading of initiation and charter for sustainability; final approval expected at May meeting
- addressing some concerns regarding the mining exhibit and oak tree near Davies Hall; still investigating history
- college looking for recommendations on sharing and institutionalizing land statement – should it be mentioned in some of our reports (i.e., facilities master plan); should it also be physically located somewhere?

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- vision for student success metrics with coordination at district level; equity data was just uploaded at CCCCO; to be submitted May 1
- new data set for SEA plan; challenges w/data at state level; question raised - should Senate Presidents be signing something that has faced so many obstacles and challenges
- governance evaluation (three phases):  1) survey to all project team or council members within a week; 2) facilitated inquiry w/o council chair/co-chair present with themed feedback; 3) survey to sample set of college community
- Institutional Equity Plan PT:  first draft submitted and presented to IEC; second draft completed last week; draft being reviewed by individual from CUE
- ACCJC annual report and fiscal report in draft form – due end of week

Student Success Council
- FYE resource panel completing work with report coming to ELT; recommendation made that report goes to achieve team for review and incorporation into their work
- first reading of program paths report
- second reading of ARC online 2.0 w/minor changes)
- Disproportionately Impacted Project Team initiation form in progress
- report out from CUE and SEA plan
- ELSS recommendations coming it the fall; delay due to technical issues currently being resolved at the district level; team work is completed and not expected to meet in the fall semester
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Various
Associated Student Body
- appointed four students to various hiring committees with more expected in the coming weeks
- upcoming elections
- currently reviewing Aramark contract to address some student concerns

Classified Senate
- elections coming up
- classified professional development day April 16; focus on equity, leadership & wellness)
- currently in discussions with IT to develop and provide regular technology training for classified employees

Academic Senate
- elections coming up
- currently reviewing project team reports

- Brown Bag w/Brian today – Aramark contract raised in discussions
- tomorrow is first Achieve operational meeting
- Financial Aid going through redesign with more officers crossed trained (intense training over the summer)
- student health and wellness consultant on board; director position in process w/HR
- managers currently involved in hiring and performance reviews
The ELT will review an updated 2019-20 Project Sequencing Chart and Guidance on the scheduling of Days/Times of 2019-20 Project Teams. Additionally, the Team will review the updates to various 2019-20 draft project charters (Attachments). Thomas Greene
- sequencing intended to maximize preparation time over summer with 7 possibly 8 project teams
- preparation would include training
- intention is to identify all teams this spring
- funding identified for hiring of full-time classified individual to assist w/governance
- sequencing chart still a work in progress
- developed calendar of when not to schedule project team meetings; ELT members to provide other meetings to add to Sue
- possibly establish a normal schedule of when project teams meet (as one ends another one can take its place); 

Educational Master Plan Project Team Charter
- appreciates incorporation of student voice
- add Classified Senate review on November 13
- next step is to add names and return to ELT

Professional Development Project Team Charter
- vetting through the Academic Senate should be included in the calendar
- project membership includes faculty from specific divisions; uncertainly as to why those divisions specifically mentioned; explanation is that it’s related to their AB705 work as well as their work as gatekeeper courses
- recommendation to include a link to IEP team members given the plan’s recommendation for professional development related to equity
- possibly add CTL individual as well as LRCEA representative
- need to a balance reps from constituency groups
Strategic Enrollment Management Project Team Charter
- intentionality related to faculty reps; interest in maintaining cross discipline work
- concern that current representation is on difficult/complex scheduling with nothing representing the norm
- recommendation to modify descriptors; i.e., lecture/lab, sequencing, large/small, department chair, equity
- need to correct spelling of co-lead’s name
- next steps:  update and return to ELT

Sustainability Project Team Charter
- could potentially impact work so recommendation to include someone at the district level
- possibly add Aramark rep
- FM has new Director of Sustainability, Nat Martin
- incorporate SMUD as they have expressed interest to become more involved on campus
- question why Dean of Fine & Applied Arts specified - brought in related to Oak Café; could be another rep such as department chair or supervisor
- next steps:  update and return to ELT
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of March 4, 2019 ELT Notes Thomas Greene Thumbs up
Does the ELT support the initiation of the Sustainability Project Team? (Attachment - Project Initiation). Note: The ELT has already expressed support for said project team, however, it is important to review the initiation form and document this support. Olga and Thomas - ELT already expressed support of project team
- official initiation form developed
- thumbs up

Does the ELT support the adoption of the Advisory Committee framework and support structure as revised (Attachment)? Tressa Tabares - Changes and recommendations incorporated
- PES and ASET first reviewed draft document
- purpose was to investigate and document work relative to advisory committees
- document provides some framework for development or discontinuation of advisory committee
- recognized difference between mandated advisory committees and those desired by the college
- clarifies that advisory committees are not decision-making bodies but rather advisory to a decision-making college body;
- IGOR to become repository for work of advisory committees
- question: why does request for advisory committee need to come to ELT if committee is mandated
- question: is IGOR the desired format
- use of IGOR received mixed reviews by instructional area deans
- for accreditation central repository is important
- mandated advisory committees are not part of governance
- suggestion: AVP (or designee) can provide an annual list of mandated advisory committees for set-up in IGOR
- many advisory committees have been operating on their own for years and will take some transition time for improved process
- question: do students have access to meeting notes; notes could have valuable information needed by students (i.e., honors)
- question: can IGOR provide some notification to everyone involved
- question: can Los Rios Program Advisory Committee Handbook (currently dated 2007) be updated
- Academic Senate bringing forward two placeholders for advisory committees
- thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
How is the College moving forward with critical professional development and training during the same time the Institutional Professional Development Plan is being developed? Topics included in this discussion - 2019-20 Convocation Planning; Institutional Equity Plan Roll-Out; Trauma-Informed Care and White Racial Identity Training. Thomas Greene and Others - interest expressed in bringing trauma-informed care training to a broader audience
- approach is used in health care, counseling, etc. and focuses on how past trauma influences an individual’s behavior moving forward
- focuses on getting to the core and addressing issue behind the behavior as opposed to just reacting to behavior
- smaller scale training provided to Achieve team
- incoming CTL director is currently working to coordinate more training opportunities
- college is looking to increase the ability of all interested staff to attend convocation

SEA Program Report Lisa Lawrenson - work accomplished by subgroup of Student Success Council
- some work completed w/o benefit of data from CCCCO
- SEA (Student Equity & Achievement) is integration of BSI, SSSP, SEP
- next step: research office will update data; expecting additional clarification from the state in the near future
- concern expressed by ESL related to categories of disproportionately impacted and that the college is not capturing all the data we should
- a conspicuous lack of ESL noted in the plan
- plan authors would welcome a statement from ESL faculty for inclusion

Topic Contact Person
ELSS Scheduling Protocols
Recommendation to ELT Regarding the Proposed Distance Education Plan (1st Reading)
Disproportionately Impacted Populations Project Initiation.
Clarify Program Paths Status Update
SEA Plan