Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Consider recommendations from Facilities Master Plan and Integrated Planning Improvement Project Teams.  Consider recommendations for new project teams. Review current and future project teams. Receive updates from Councils.
DATE OF MEETING: 03/04/2019
TIME: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Admin Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene / Lisa Lawrenson
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Rebeca Rico-Chavez, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Alden Crow, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 02.04.19
Project Initiation for Institutional Professional Development - From IEC
2018-19 Educational Master Plan Project Charter.V1
ARC Midterm Report 2019 3-1-19
2018-19 SEM Charter-Draft Revised
Integrated Planning Guide - Final
Facilities Master Plan - Draft (03.04.19)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. Council Chairs / Co-Chairs
Student Success Council
- resource panel appointed for SEA, due to DO March 15
- short turnaround time for faculty response; can provide copy of draft to Academic Senate when submitted to DO
- charters for enrollment management and education master plan 

Operations Council
- received updates on safety, guardian app – encourage usage, and fire drills – all should be aware, not necessarily held responsible if something happens, all gender restrooms and signage
- discussed indigenous land statement from Native American Resource Center; mining display near Davies Hall is offensive to Native Americans; currently searching for background information on display; potential display of native American art; guidelines in facilities master plan recognized and respect for Native American land

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- reviewed ACCJC midterm report
- discussed integrated planning guide; project initiation for professional development; update from institutional equity plan team, data on demand, integrated planning portal development, alignment of goals and metrics between ARC and Vision for Success; alignment and timelines for Vision for success metrics, SEA compliance report, institutional equity plan, and CUE equity institute
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of February 4, 2019 ELT Notes Thomas Greene approved – thumbs up with noted changes
- fire alarm schedules to fire drills
- SCC to SSC
- change reference of LRPD to LRPD headquarters

Does the ELT support the recommendations of the Facilities Master Plan Project Team represented by the draft Campus Master Plan? Thomas Greene - changes with wayfinders colors and symbols
- LRPD moved from admin to promenade
- keep discussion open re funeral services; still discussing square footage and making certain it reconciles with what we currently have
- next step: Facilities Master Plan being vetted through District approval process
- changes will be reported
- question posed re: use of “red zone” in reference to our veteran students; didn’t negatively translate for all veterans
- can’t predict everything and changes can be made in the future
- implementation of wayfinding and zones will begin right away
- thumbs up on approval of draft plan

Does the ELT support the recommendations of the Integrated Planning Improvement Project Team represented by the draft integrated planning guide? Thomas Greene - no changes and no feedback since last presented
- thumbs up on approval of draft guide

Does ELT support the draft Charter of the Educational Master Planning Project Team? Thomas Greene - roles of team members not yet specified
- very short timeline; perhaps develop more realistic timeline
- no mention of how student voice will be included; possibly add to charter template as options
- thumbs up on approval of draft charter
- to be brought back to ELT with future changes

- return to ELT with future changes
Does ELT support the draft Charter of the Strategic Enrollment Management Project Team? Thomas Greene - changes include addition of item c.X on deliverables along with d & e.
- much more conversation with DO regarding enrollment management
- taking recommendations from Start Right and incorporating work with enrollment management
- possibly seek feedback from department chairs as work begins to develop
- be specific in charter and flow of deliverables
- add in Academic Senate review
- possibly add in monitoring of disaggregated student data
- no mention of how student voice will be included; possibly add to charter templates as options
- thumbs up on draft charter
- to be brought back with future changes

- return to ELT with future changes
Does ELT support the recommendation from the Institutional Effectiveness Council to initiate a project team for Institutional Professional Development? Adam Karp and Thomas Greene - recommendation for project team came from development of institutional equity plan
- greater focus and alignment with supporting effective teaching and learning
- integration of SEA funding important
- initiate earlier but perhaps team functions fall through spring
- sequencing of team’s work can be written into charter so that work accomplished earlier can/will be used in future work
- thumbs up on project initiation

Does the ELT support the final version of the Mid-Term Accreditation Report? Adam Karp - presented to Board of Trustees at February meeting
- Board of Trustees approved
- cleaned up to links on sources of evidence
- March 15 submission to ACCJC
- thumbs up on final report

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the new and continuing project teams that we have committed to for the 2019-20 academic year, and what others are being/should be considered? What are next steps in the initiation of these project teams (e.g., Sustainability)? All - establish project teams so preliminary work can be done over the summer
- end academic year with identification of team members for each
- project initiation charter for sustainability coming to March Operations Council meeting
- district governance morphing; project charters being developed at district level so do we need a local team to coordinate/facilitate work on campus (degree planner and Hobson Starfish early alert)
- not certain we need project teams around these two at this time
- project team at DO about simplifying the front door and streamlining onboarding
- acknowledge Bill’s work with reaching out to colleagues at other colleges
- opportunity and need for project team about front door/onboarding or incorporate into strategic enrollment team
- develop team(s) supporting and enhancing support of disproportionately impacted student groups

How will the College acquire feedback on the ELT member's experience within the new governance system? Adam Karp - opening conversation on how we can collect feedback
- started semester with training so did training provide the information/services needed
- not only include members of current teams/projects but also members of the college community
- look at usefulness of Basecamp; possibly run diagnostic to see how much it’s being used
- no formal commitment of using a specific platform in a certain circumstance
- insufficient training
- short survey for teams, councils and ELT and council chairs
- discuss at meeting prior to end of semester
- results may drive fall training
- additional development for IGOR usage
- include feedback on IGOR in survey

Topic Contact Person