Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: To continue to build a shared foundation of knowledge concerning the "Simplify the Front Door" and  "Pathways Communities" elements of the ARC Redesign.  Additionally, the President will share recent updates related to ARC Online providing leadership to a Districtwide online consortium.
DATE OF MEETING: 11/05/2018
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Administration Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Nicole Williams, Alden Crow, Susan McCoy, Robin Neal, Rebeca Rico Chavez
Attached Files:
ARC IEPI Letter of Interest - Simplify the Front Door Support
SEL Project Update: Simplify the Front Door
ACCJC Midterm Report Draft
Proposed Revisions to Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter
Rough Schematic of Potential Front Door Technologies & Their Interaction
Los Rios Online Education Consortium - DRAFT
ELT October Draft Minutes
Los Rios Online Education Consortium - REVISED
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and Creating Connections Thomas Greene
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. Council Chairs/Co-Chairs
Student Success Council
- Discussing two new project teams – enrollment management and educational master plan
- ELSS work expected to finish by end of spring
- Starting to overlap now with enrollment management
- Recommending Kale lead enrollment management and have relevant ELSS team members move to enrollment management; hoping Dyne will continue as faculty co-lead
- Possible March 2019 rollout for enrollment management
- EMP another possible early rollout
- Cheri doing some preliminary work on looking at existing models
- Frank Kobayashi to lead team – no identified faculty lead yet
- Looking at flexible models for EMP
- Use of resource panels discussed at prior meeting:  finding it challenging to find appropriate experts, currently in process of identifying individuals, possible delayed timeline of work 

Clarify Program Pathways
- Concerns on GE being pre-dictated
- Interest in having a scroll down menu to provide options
- Feeling still exists that roadmaps will determine student schedules

Institutional Effectiveness Council
 -Feedback on Integrated Planning Improvement team work
- Programs going through program review are provided support via QUEST team
- Making final edits before going live
- Breakout sessions at convocation with one focusing on unit planning, etc.
- Working with IT to build out technology needed
- Guide to integrated planning:  work concluded at end of fall
- Data on Demand will support work of integrated planning as well as program review; February launch
- Equity Team charter – has it been approved?  Close to being finished; on December agenda for final approval
- A lot of interest in work – agendas and notes are not in IGOR in traditional fashion

Operations Council
- Facilities master plan – design guidelines vetted and reviewed by OC; semi final
- Team members asked to provide list of projects from respective areas
- Looking at campus map to determine possible locations and feasibility
- OC to review plan in December/January
- ELT to review plan in February/March

Wellness Center
- Progress report expected in November
- Will determine layout of physical space as well as services
 -Baseline services provided by District
- ELT reviewing report in December

- Campus broken into four color-coded areas
- Parking lots to be named with street names
- Will be vetted campus-wide
- Zones identified with name, color and image (no decisions on any yet)
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Draft Notes: Does the ELT agree to adopt the draft notes from the October 1st, 2018 meeting? Thomas Greene Thumbs Up
Council Charters: Does the ELT support the changes/revisions to the Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter (See Attached)? Adam Karp/Bill Simpson - Duties and outcomes sections – adjustments made
- Third bullet added
- Reflects current work of councils
- Some trouble discerning what is the responsibility of governance vs what is the responsibility of specific office
- Question about overseeing something that doesn’t exist – i.e., ed master plan, equity plan
- Council’s role to oversee and coordinate integration of institutional plans in conjunction with district plans
- Coming back to December meeting

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is the Los Rios Online Consortium? What is ARC's proposed role in facilitating this effort should it go forward? (See attached) Thomas Greene, Gary Aguilar - Need a higher level of collaboration with other colleges in district to accomplish what we want to relative to online ed
- Document shows proposal to essentially create Los Rios OEI
- All online courses in district listed in Finish Faster
- Starting to badge courses based on quality i.e., online tutoring, reviewed/approved by OEI rubrics (most important badge)
- Students will have cross enrollment capabilities
- Online ed will become competitive – multiple points of entry will have be more competitive
- Document shared with other LRCCD academic presidents
- Smaller colleges don’t have enough support
- Need argument as to why we’re better together
- Proposal viewed as direction ARC wants to go w/o asking anyone else
- Need for additional case making
- ARC moving forward regardless because we committed to doing it
- District committed to providing more support

How is ARC approaching it's commitment to "simplifying the front door" and what are the technological implications of this effort? (See Attachment) Thomas Greene, Bill Simpson, & Others - Needed search tool for website redesign and online ed
- Did secret shoppers to discover common pitfalls

- CCCMy Path – bolts onto back of CCCApply
- Connects them to a “portal” that looks like our website
- Has specific “boards” giving them explicit directions
- Career exploration component
- Sections for Achieve students, Veterans, etc.
- Sends them nudges to prompt them to complete the next task

- Pathway Planner – Bakersfield College developing pathway planning tool
- Guides students into areas of interest, then disciplines, then specific degree/certificate
- Provides career & salary info
- Level of degree required for various employment options

- No SEL does it all – we’re trying to create

What is the status of ARC's Midterm Accreditation Report, and does the ELT have any feedback on the current draft document? (See Attachment) Adam Karp - ELT looking at draft now
- Going back to IEC end of November and reviewed again by ELT in December
- Template provided by ACCJC
- Three parts – how did you get here, actionable improvement plans for self-study & recommendations made as a result of the team visit
- Can be shared with academic, classified and student senates for review and suggestions
- Document continues as draft throughout process until submitted to ACCJC in March

What are the upcoming planning/reporting requirements associated with the SEA Program (previously referred to as SSSP, SEP, BSI), and the associated implications? Adam Karp - SEA: Student Equity & Achievement
- Ongoing trainings from CCCCO

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