Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
BJ Snowden
Derrick Booth
Kathryn Sorensen
Steven Roberson
Margaret Lednicky
Chris Day
Adrienne Andrews
Jeff Bucher
Michele Arnott
Pamela Bimbi
Jordan Meyer
Stephanie Saucedo
BonnyJean Bowman
Hannah Blodgett
Mary Goodall
Lori Shull

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Operations Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Review Governor's Budget Proposal; hear updates from Facilities, Professional Development, Safety, Technology and Wayfinders; second reading and approval of Facilities Master Plan.
DATE OF MEETING: 01/22/2019
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Administrative Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur/Olga Prizhbilov
ASSISTANT: Beth Hartline Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Pamela Bimbi, BonnyJean Bowman, Kuldeep Kaur, Frank Kobayashi, Craig Weckman, Beth Madigan, Sarah Mattson, Cheryl Sears, Parrish Geary, Olga Prizhbilov,
Attached Files:
Draft Campus Master Plan
Draft Campus Map
Governor's Proposed Budget Summary for California Community Colleges
Presentation on the Governor's Budget Proposal for 2019-20
Presentation on the Governor's Budget Proposal for 2019-20 (PowerPoint)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Review the Governor's Proposed Budget and possible implications to Los Rios/ARC. Kuldeep Kaur
Kuldeep Kaur reviewed the Governor's Budget proposed by the new Governor Gavin Newsom. As an overview,  the Governor proposes to pay down the State's share of PERS liabilities for State employees for $3 billion, and pay off all remaining budgetary debt and deferrals for $4.4 billion.  The Governor also proposed paying STRS liability for Community Colleges and Schools by $2.3 billion. The Rainy Day Fund is proposed to be $15.3 billion for 2019-2020 and $19.4 billion by 2022-2023. Governor Newsom proposed paid family leave, more housing, expanded tax credits and increased emergency services to firefighting. California Community Colleges would receive a 3.46% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). A Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) started in 2018-2019  which is a Base Allocation of 70% based on Full Time Student Equivalents (FTES), Supplemental Allocation of 20% (Pell Grant Recipients, etc.), and Student Success at 10% based on the number of degrees and transfers to a 4-year universities. The Governor is electing to hold these percentages for another year, and base the funds on a three-year average to determine the Growth Allocation. ARC Tech Building modernization is supported by the State for the State match funding. The California College Promise will expand to a second free year of tuition for $40 million.
What are the facilities & maintenance updates since the last meeting? Cheryl Sears
Cheryl Sears reported on the various facilities projects: 1) Aquarium Conference Room was converted into two offices; 2) Davies Hall has two new offices; 3) Wellness Center budget was sent to the architect and a projected move-in date is August 1, 2019; 4) Howard Hall is on hold to replace flooring; 5) Food Pantry has not moved forward to date; 6) Admissions & Records merging with the Business Services Offices staff is in the budget approval stage; 7) Workforce staff of 20 are moving to the Library - Library Techs have moved, and furniture is ordered for new Workforce space including a new breakroom for the Library staff; 8 Information Technology will be getting new furniture for efficiency; 9) Learning Resource Center Room 104 renovation has been scratched for now; 10) bus shelter needs concrete base; 11) exhaust hoods have been serviced; 12) Sit Stand Desks are being ordered through Erika Wescoatt; 13) new gym floor is in the design stage with two weeks to design; 14) monument signs are up. 
What are the safety updates since the last meeting? Captain Chris Day
No safety report was provided as Captain Day was unable to attend.
What are the technology updates since the last meeting? Jeff Bucher
Jeff Bucher reported that Microsoft Office 16 update is completed. Windows 7 is no longer being supported as of December 31, 2018, so Windows 10 will be installed in stages starting in March.  Jeff shared a schedule of how Outlook migration, Symantec, Office 2016 and Windows 10 will be implemented in the various departments including: Counseling (Feb 5), Davies Hall and Portable Village (Feb 7), Howard Hall, Health Education and Physical Education (Feb 12), Technical Education and CMC (Feb 20),  Science (Feb 21), Fine Arts (Feb 27), Natomas (Mar 5), Public Safety, Deans and anyone who is left (Mar 20). Need to upgrade all work-related laptops. Symantec is implemented, and Sophos server is deactivated. There was a discussion about planning for technology replacement on a routine basis and data that is being gathered to plan for it.
What is the progress on the Wayfinders work? What feedback does the Council have for the Wayfinders? Cheryl Sears
Wayfinders is waiting for President's Executive Staff approval to have ARC make our own signs for campus such as monument signs and department signage on all buildings. Cheryl reviewed the zone option, and one color is still not viable. Contacting Fine 
Arts for advice on color. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the Council support forwarding the Campus Master Plan to the Executive Leadership Team? Everyone 0
ACTION ITEM: Unanimous consensus from Operations Council on sending the Facilities Master Plan (including WayFinding Proposal) forward to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the Wellness Center updates since the last meeting? Parrish Geary Parrish Geary reported that the physical space has been approved along with the Scope of Work and the hiring of one part-time therapist and a part-time assistant education for 1.0 Full Time Equivalent (FTE). The content will be Health 101 to educate on effects of tabacco and alcohol. A survey was completed asking our student what hours of service they want. A Coordinator is projected to be hired, and a consultant has been retained to write a job description. CLIA will allow our campus nurses to expand their services. A gender neutral bathroom sign was added.
Topic Contact Person