Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
BJ Snowden
Derrick Booth
Kathryn Sorensen
Steven Roberson
Margaret Lednicky
Chris Day
Adrienne Andrews
Jeff Bucher
Michele Arnott
Pamela Bimbi
Jordan Meyer
Stephanie Saucedo
BonnyJean Bowman
Hannah Blodgett
Mary Goodall
Lori Shull

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Operations Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: For the Facilities Master Planning Project Team to present the Facilities Master Plan (1st reading) and to review the Wayfinding Plan (2nd reading) for considerations, recommendations and adoption of the conceptual design.
DATE OF MEETING: 12/11/2018
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Administrative Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur/Jeff Bucher
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michele Arnott, Pamela Bimbi, BonnyJean Bowman, Jeff Bucher, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Frank Kobayashi, Beth Madigan, Cheryl Sears, Daniel Avegalio, Parrish Geary, Olga Prizhbilov,
Attached Files:
Operations Council Notes 11-27-18
Campus Zones - as proposed by Wayfinders
Proposed Campus Map (from Facilities Planning Team)
Proposed Design Guidelines (from Facilities Planning Project Team)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
What are the considerations, recommendations and questions regarding the Facilities Master Plan (1st reading)? Kuldeep Kaur/Jeff Bucher 40
The first reading of the Facilities Master Plan was reviewed. The full version will be available in January 2019 for a final recommendation to the Operations Council. Under Design Guidelines, Chair Kuldeep Kaur reviewed the eight initial areas covered with the addition of two more areas: 1) Inclusion, Social Justice and Equity, and 2) Sustainability. The Los Rios District has a mandatory goal of zero net energy by 2030. Another change in design is to divide the ARC campus into zones instead of districts. The Team Members who participated in the Facilities Master Plan represent all constituencies including all instructional area, administrative services, and student services.

Another discussion point was around a new "One Stop Center" that would include Admissions & Records, Counseling, the Business Services Office, and the new Wellness Center to add to the current Welcome and Support Center.

Kuldeep talked about the first Master Plan which incorporated Printing Services, Warehouses, Receiving, Operations, Custodial and Storage areas, plus the corp yard. The new version of the Master Plan will include construction of new buildings, an additional 250 parking spots, a promenade and pedestrian mall. Technical Education will be the first project to take place.

The Operations Council was asked for a thumbs up, down or sideways, and there was unanimous consensus to move the Facilities Master Plan forward to the President's Executive Staff (PES) and Executive Leadership Team.
What are the considerations, recommendations and questions about the Wayfinding Plan? Do we have consensus on adopting the conceptual design? Cheryl Sears 20
Wayfinders: As part of the Facilities Master Plan, a resource group of volunteers from the Operations Council led by Operations Director Cheryl Sears was tasked with remaking of American River College into an easy-to-navigate campus for all of our students, staff, faculty, and visitors. After surveying our students, visiting other colleges to observe best practices, and interviewing agencies whose clients represent our diverse student body, Wayfinders determined that four zones was the best option. The four zones will be represented by four colors, symbols, and word associations incorporating a touch map, QR codes to automatic reroute students while in transit to their desired location, and all will be integrated with Google. Buildings will have names to identify them easily, and streets will be named; a Campus Promenade will serve as a walkway from north to south, and new gathering spaces and a pedestrian mall will provide areas of sanctuary, studying or recreation.

The Operations Council was asked for a thumbs up, down or sideways, and there was unanimous consensus to move the Wayfinders options forward to the President's Executive Staff (PES) and Executive Leadership Team (ELT).
Do the notes reflect Operations Council discussion from the last meeting? Does the Council support the notes? All Yes.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Topic Contact Person