Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Update on Clarify Program Paths Update SEA, CIO Update Institutional Effectiveness Council Update on FYE
DATE OF MEETING: 11/06/2018
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Aguilara Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
ASSISTANT: Teresa Wigner
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag, Derrick Booth, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Tressa Tabares, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre, Eliza Arata, Heidi Bennett, Pamela Chao, Jennifer Laflam, Nicole Moise, Robin Neal, Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Teresa Wigner, Guest, Kale Braden
INVITED GUEST(S): Noue Leung, Faculty Kale Braden, AVPI
Attached Files:
ELSS Report
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Update Clarify Program Paths Tressa Tabares
Tressa gave an update about Clarify Program Paths. Bill Simpson is continuing to work on this project and make sure we are working with the Achieve Program Project.  The project is on time, there was initial intent to partner with Bakersfield pilot project that didn't happen, so we are moving ahead.  Funded Vision for Success.  There will be an alignment of funding for Student Equity, BSI supplemental tutoring, and California Guided Pathways. Due in May and need approval from constituent groups; this work will be done in spring.
Update FYE Tressa Tabares
Update SEA/CIO Lisa Lawrenson
SEA/CIO Meet once a semester - VP's.  Deans in spring for January 19th.  A plan is in place to align our goals.  Goals have to be aligned at board meeting by May 15th.  Tied to this is a following year comprehensive plan.  Our funding to align with these goals to student equity funding formula is true as well.  How well we are achieving disproportionate student population goals have to be aligned.
Update Institutional Effectiveness Council, Program Review Adam Karp
Frank Kobayashi will serve as the Program Review team lead. The redesign of the Institutional Program Review and unit planning process is done.  There is now an Integrated planning portal for program review.  Quest Quality Support Team to support units going through program review. 
New Project Teams - Educational Master Plan and Enrollment Management Lisa Lawrenson
Educational Master Plan (EMP) to get equipment which is part of our accreditation.  Classrooms specialization, state money paid for all equipment.  EMP is connected to Adam w/program review. EMP will have a new team in spring.  Create a guide to Institutional Master Plan. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
ELSS Kale Braden Kale Braden gave en extensive presentation on the ELSS (Enterprise-Level Scheduling Solution) for scheduling classes. He has been working on it for about a year. This is to help for scheduling classes. It is better at scheduling courses, and scheduling classes online. District also purchased Ad Astra to look at here it fits in our process. Ad Astra Platinum will roll over fall to fall and spring to spring. Broad steps on identifying lease out round one mid October, due mid December. Round two mid January due early March and finalized late March or early April. Term begins late August (cycles). New system no change on timeline. Data after grades come in . Behavior of students determines where we go. This system pose's questions, historical data high points stores its data in PeopleSoft and Ad Astra captures and pulls from that 70% in the morning and 30% in the afternoon. Everyone schedules at the same time how to build a logical schedule for students. Room management is the best usage of space with the right number of students per room. Predictive after grades are turned in, it looks at Student Ed Plans and Pathways in addition getting data we are paying for a data coach. Historical data First round in December, second round in mid January. We can publish a class when offering in scheduling. Make promise on when classes are offered to students and make it happen. Give department Deans a clean rollover or use work flow tool (analyidics). The number one promise was to make it an easier process. Insure it wasn't push button - intrusive data we have never had before. Intentional data/behavioral data dig down deep to find the right courses. Behavioral data and live watch data. Build an interface allow counselor or student to type in classes when it's needed - morning, afternoon, evening or online student? How to build a logical schedule for students. Second level - Room optimization system, utilize classrooms effectively. scheduling for events in PeopleSoft. Events are anything not tied back to a PeopleSoft interface, (i.e. meetings, study sessions, football games, (etc). Digital signage to book rooms. Room inventory, what is the room features, set up? Series of rules? Rooms specialization - state money paid for all equipment. Going to have a Scheduling Team. ELSS- Enrollment management - launching enrollment management team. Different project team that still have some same members. ELSS a lot of hard work was put into this.
Equity Action Institute Pam Chao/Noue Leung Pam Chao Equity Action Extension and Noue Leung are working together for a grant program equity action extension for full-time and part-time working in a .1 reassigned time. Volunteers from student success go to equity training to be a working group. Funding 1/2 year for new grant program and one time grant fund 2-3 hours rating system and reviews. First week in December turn around. Second update - Resource panel not working yet still need to get meeting in October approved. A proposal to convene a resource panel specifying requesting people from other areas. Recommended for resource panel - Judy Mays (can't too busy), Kim Herrell (she co-leads I-Team), Joe Rust - Yes Jesus Valle - Yes Tera Diggs Reynolds, Tonya Anderson (waiting to hear back) Araceli Badilla - Yes and Amelia Tuifua - Yes.
Topic Contact Person