Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Kale Braden
Dyne Eifertsen
Kevin Porter
Linda Zarzana
Joe Rust
Anthony Giusti
Damon Antos
Cristina Domokos
Lydia Engelsgaard
Kevyn Montano
Erika Wescoatt
Diana Hicks
Steven Segura
Cheryl Sears

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Enterprise Level Scheduling Solution - ELSS (2018-2019)
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Provide directions regarding initial set-up as well as ongoing maintenance of for Ad Astra Schedular room rules.
DATE OF MEETING: 09/14/2018
TIME: 10:00am
LOCATION/ROOM #: CTL (Third floor of Library)
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 408 638 0986 or +1 646 558 8665
CALL-IN CODE: 645 765 330
FACILITATOR(S): Kale Braden, Dyne Eifertsen, Kevyn Montano
ASSISTANT: Kevin Porter
MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Braden, Cristina Domokos, Gizella Engelsgaard, Kevyn Montano, Cheryl Sears, Steven Segura, Erika Wescoatt, Linda Zarzana, Dyne Eifertsen, Anthony Giusti, Diana Hicks, Kevin Porter, Joseph Rust,
See Folder in Basecamp: Room Rules  
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Report from District ELSS Committee: State of the district Ad Astra Implementation/Installation. Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano
• District ELSS Committee meets every Monday from 2-3:30 (software user training), and every other Monday from 3:30-5 (business practices)
• Room inventory done last semester, captured room use and room features (equipment, furnishings)
• District group will work to advise Ad Astra on California community college-specific rules and attendance accounting
Report on ARC Ad Astra decisions made prior to this committee being convened. Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano
• Decision to purchase Ad Astra made in February 2018; chose single district-wide iteration of Scheduler (rooms, events), four campus-based iterations of Platinum Analytics (what to schedule and when)
• Initial room inventory/rules decisions made
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
What should the process be for deciding initial room allocation rules to be programmed in the Ad Astra Schedular system? Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano 20
• Team agreed that the process to determine and set up initial room rules will be as follows: team lead(s) will develop room rules rough draft, will discuss rough draft with Deans and AAs, will input initial rules into Ad Astra and run system, will determine what worked/what didn't, and will repeat process as needed.
Shall the tri-chairs be directed to proceed with the initial room rule set-up? Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano 5
• Yes, see action item above.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Expectation for ELSS Committee Members. Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano • Not discussed directly
What are the criteria by which a room has restricted usage? Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano • Think about, roll over to future meeting.
How do we envision triggering new rules to be written into the system due to curriculum changes, facility changes, or pedagogical needs? Braden, Eifertsen, & Montano • Think about, roll over to future meeting.

Where should we track the criteria which influence how a course may be assigned to a room? • Think about, roll over to future meeting.

What is the status of Room Rules? • Room rules require two general sets of data: Who/What requires the rule (options: campus, meeting type, subject, courses, instructors), and What does it/they require (options: room type, room features, regions, buildings, rooms).
• Next steps: team lead meeting with area Deans/AAs next couple of weeks to determine exceptions to room rules as drafted.
• Can we use PeopleSoft location codes as designators in Ad Astra? Probably not since district uses those codes for attendance accounting purposes, but perhaps through secondary tables. Also need to be flexible for growing satellite campuses.
• Not all rooms must have rules. Rooms can be classified "do not optimize," like community rooms; or can use exclusion rules to limit room use to particular classes only, like welding.
• Timeline: won't make Oct 1 deadline for all room rules, but maybe plain language rules; hope to have Ad Astra available to try by end of this semester; hope to have system completely function for Spring 2020 scheduling.
• Concerns expressed that we are having to reinvent wheel when other schools and Ad Astra have done this before; team lead(s) will share these concerns with District ELSS Committee and our executive sponsors.
Topic Contact Person
Who develops/maintains room rules over time (i.e., when new classes are added)? Who has technological know-how?
What parts of schedule get rolled over each year? Those that make 85% of enrollment cap? Some other criteria?
OTHER INFORMATION: The ARC Enterprise Level Scheduling System Implementation team will be focusing upon the installation, configuration, and operational protocols of the scheduling software, not building ARC’s Academic schedules.