Forward Motion
Governance Highlights
September 2022
What Happened In The Councils?
Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports
- Approved statement of values
- Collaborating with program review with an equity focus
- Developing process to handle course substitutions
- Discussion items include professional development, accreditation, student-centered course language, online assessment implications and new technology, exploring impact of COVID protocols
- Retreat this week
- Approved a few bills including funding student leadership conference
- CAEB now officially meeting in person
- Approved funding for constitution day and voter registration
- Club rush event on September 20 to increase clubs
- Creating athletic spirit event and sophomore breakfast
Action Items:
Review / Approve Core inquiry Responses
- Following approval by ELT, responses will be submitted to ACCJC
- Team then visits for a few days in October
- Thumbs up approval
Discussion Items:
- 90-Day Action Plan: Outreach
- Back on Campus Update
- Strategic Planning: Strategies
(please see ELT Notes for more details)
Items for Future Consideration:
SEAP: Student Equity & Achievement Plan for 22-25; (will be on agendas for all councils and senates); due November 30 Status Update: Institutional Equity Plan Student Petition Process Housing HomeBase Integration Communication Plan
Student Success Council (SSC)
- Reviewed Charter of the Student Success Council.
- An update of Fall 2022 enrollment and student activity was presented.
- UndocuScholar Liason with Student Success update was shared.
- An updateed Fall 2019 Institutional Campus Climate Survey was shared.
- An Executive Summary of Enrollment was shared by the Office of Research.
- An update of the ISER process and ISER Core Inquiry responses were shared.
- The upcoming Student Success Council calendar was discussed.
Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC)
- The Final ISER Core Inquiry Response was shared with the Council. The visiting team will be on campus 10/10/22 - 10/12/22. Members of the Institutional Effectiveness Council are scheduled to participate in the discussion of Core Inquiry #1.
- The Annual Unit Planning date will be moved from 11/15 to 11/30 this year.
- The Council discussed adjusting the dates for the Employee Onboarding team's work to give them time to complete the project.
- There are a number of empty seats on the Council that we are working to fill.
- The Council is looking at pros/cons of placing links to the college's organizational charts on the Insider page.
- The Council is considering updates to its charter to add the Accreditation Liaison Officer as an ex-officio member.
Operations Council (OC)
Current Safety Concerns and Plans
• College has been quiet, busy, minor issues, two bikes stolen
• Staff parking permits are available at the College Police Department.
• ARC main campus fire drills scheduled 10/13/22. No date has been identified for Public Safety Center. College Police is providing active shooter presentation for meetings.
• Staffing still a challenge: Need to hire additional clerk for front counter. Two new officers hired
Status of the IT Projects
• Mobile workforce - replacing desktops with laptops still in progress
• Service now system started. There have been 1,219 tickets for ARC since implementation on August 8th
• Emergency Response Notification Icon (ERNI) button, district-wide supported emergency reporting tool. The button is tied to the computer. The message it sends to the police assumes you are in the classroom or at your desk. We have started conversations with Campus Police and DOIT about a replacement.
• Athletic fiber projects – Project to connect both Baseball and softball areas to the network infrastructure of the college. Eventually, we will hook up with the Well to create a network ring around the college.
• Many Conference rooms have been converted into zoom rooms. IT will send out instructions to the Deans, and add a webpage letting people know the technology exists.
Update on College Budget
• SEAP, Lottery, SIEF, Guided Pathways TBA. Will share when budget has been determined for the year.
• No New HEERF Allocation. $2,207,982 carryover
• 2022-23 CDF, PDF & Bookstore schedule presented
• COV-19 Recovery Block Grant Los Rios was allocated $28.1 million in one-time funding to establish the California Community College COVID-19 Recovery Block Grant. ARC was allocated $10,449,537. Total of 13 Student Support Specialist positions will be funded out of this grant.
Recommendation on the Broken Women statues
• This is a follow up from the Operations Council Meeting 4/26/22. The council recommended this item to go through PET to decide on the what action to take.
• PET determined statues should remain where they are but for Operations to work with the Arts department to come up with better signage and plaques to inform people of what the statues represent.
Trees on campus
• Operations have a list of trees that need to be replaced ASAP and is seeking for approval
Gender Neutral Restrooms focus group
• The Gender Neutral Restrooms focus group was not formed in spring due to the time constraint with the semester ending. Members will be identified to move group forward.
Proposed ITC Name Change
• Current Building Name: Instructional Technology Center/Recommended New Building Name: Center for Institutional Equity & Innovation (CIEI)
• Operations Council approved for item to move to ELT
ISER Core Inquiry Response
The Final ISER Core Inquiry Response was shared. The visiting team will be on campus 10/10/22 - 10/12/22. The Operations Council is scheduled to participate in for the Core Inquiry #2: Facilities Master Plan and Capitol Plan on 10/10/22, 1pm - 2pm in the Community Room (Room Number TBA)
Food services
B & D will be partnering with LRCCD to define and articulate the strategic value of its campus dining programs and develop a Dining Plan for each of its four (4) campuses to align with the District’s goals while responding to the uniqueness of each individual campus population.
The Operations Council will participate in a two-hour Institutional Framework and Strategic Asset Value session on October 25th, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm.
5 Sips Coffee and Steve's Pizza opened this week.