Forward Motion

Governance Highlights
November 2019

What Happened In The Councils?

Executive Leadership Team (ELT)


  • Senior Leadership Team has transitioned from twice monthly face-to-face meetings to twice monthly 20-25 minute virtual meetings via Zoom.
  • ASB had successful CAEB events and is working on student stipends and preparation for Lobby Day
  • Academic Senate preparing for State Academic Senate Plenary; next senate meeting to include syllabus guidance document first reading, pathways presentation, faculty hiring ranking
  • Timeline and steps associated with the ARC presidential search/hiring process to include town hall meeting in December, position announcement in January, interviews in April, impression in May, Board of Trustees approval in mid-June


  • Key takeaways from workshop on free speech presented at the district office: as a public institution, we are required to allow individuals/groups to come onto the college campus; from a facilities standpoint there are some things we can enforce (no blocking operations or walkways); they cannot go indoors; permit required for amplification of voices but they cannot be disruptive to instruction
  • Discussed purpose of our institutional campus climate survey and how the results will be utilized

Student Success Council (SSC)


  • Presentation on the college's plans for dual enrollment, with particular focus on opportunities in distance education delivery combined with in-person support in high school classrooms
  • Professional Development project team update


  • Presentation on the status of the Disproportionate Impact project team's work
  • First reading of the Education Master Plan project team report

Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC)


  • Institutional campus climate study update. Student survey has been deployed; due before finals week. Employee survey to be deployed online December through January
  • Report on the status of the Professional Development project team. Plan to include recommendations for structure, training, staffing including management oversight, steering group, space, time for classified staff, and management support
  • Program Review training has been provided for this year's cohort; Annual Unit Planning reminder of distinction from old EMP process
  • Announced need to submit 2018-2019 SEA Annual Report -- follow-up report for last spring's plan; includes accounting and metrics, with specific directives from the state concerning DI groups


  • Options for how the college will utilize its governance system to approach preparing for the upcoming accreditation peer-review process including the institutional self-evaluation report (ISER) and quality focus essay (QFE)
  • The council provided feedback on the institutional research data use statement. Council supported the document for defining a culture of data use, and as an essential component for fostering an equity culture

Operations Council (OC)

Council members toured the new ARC sign printing shop to develop understanding of increased printing capacity and flexibility and to prompt discussion for future direction.

What Are We Working On?

We are setting the stage for the staffing, services, programming, and construction for Pathway Communities Home Bases in six locations across the college.

What's Next?

Members of the President's Executive Staff will be giving presentations to governance councils and senates outlining details for the implementation of Pathway Communities Home Bases.

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