Forward Motion
Governance Highlights
September 2019
What Happened In The Councils?
Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
- Calendaring for conflicts and eliminating bottleneck of project team readings/reports to councils and ELT
- Update on governance system and IGOR
- Student Services updates:
- More issues with sidewalk closures - signage and carts implementation?
- Business services needs in Welcome and Support?
- 6 teams of Achieve students (3,600 total)
- Starfish, Connect, and Highpoint implementation
Student Success Council (SSC)
- SEM/Ad Astra project - What are the implications for ARC and enrollment management?
- Pathways Discussion - Areas of interest, schools, pathway communities
- Highlights from the Governance Training of 9/6/19
- Charter updates. Who will be serving on the DI Team?
- Campus Climate Survey - Why is it being done? Questions or input from the Council?
Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC)
- Highlights from the Governance Training of 9/6/19
- Technical support for the governance process
- Update from the Professional Development Team
- Formatting edits to the Equity Plan that were made over the summer
- Action: Council supports the addition of Equity & Social Justice language to charters
- Upcoming Institutional Campus Climate Survey
- Input on the summary of data issues addressed in annual unit plans from spring 2019
- Method for collecting input by the EMP Team
Operations Council (OC)
- Updates from Facilities and Maintenance
- Wayfinding implementation
- Safety and Technology updates
- Team updates from the Wellness Center Team and the new Sustainability Team
- District Budget Committee update: 2019-2020 budget adoption
What Are We Working On?
College Priorities:
- Continued improvements to Wayfinding, website
- Implementing work done on pathways
- Converging project team work
- More student input and equity focus in the work we are doing
What's Next?
- Upcoming information and forums for new president search
- Survey for reflecting on Fall 2019 Leadership training