Forward Motion
Governance Highlights
September 2018
What Happened In The Councils?
Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
- Heard an update on ARC Online 2.0 project team
- Finalized the charter for project team participation
- Reviewed recommendations from the Clarify Program Paths team
- Heard an AB 705 update and discussed
Student Success Council (SSC)
- Recommended a resource panel/group investigate First Year Experience implementation approaches and best practices/literature review
- Reviewed the use of Basecamp and the state Student Equity & Achievement program
- Revised the council charter
- Heard updates on several project teams
Institutional Effectiveness Council (IEC)
- Reviewed and assessed August governance training
- Reviewed the status of the Integrated Planning Portal
- Discussed the Data on Demand system
- Discussed the roll out of the Program Review and Annual Unit Planing processes
Operations Council (OC)
- The council charter was reviewed and recommended for approval
- Reviewed the charters of the Facilities Master Plan and Wellness Center project teams
- Discussed next steps in the college's wayfinding efforts
- Heard updates on technology, facilities, and safety
What Are We Working On?
Supporting Governance:
- The Data on Demand system is moving ahead and will be coming later this fall!
- The college continues to build out and refine the Institutional Governance Online Repository (IGOR) system, which has received positive reviews.
Approved Projects for 2018-2019:
- ARC Online 2.0
- Clarify Programs Paths (renewal)
- Enterprise Level Scheduling Solution (ELSS)
- Facilities Master Plan
- Integrated Planning Improvement (renewal)
- Institutional Equity
- Wellness Center
What's Next?
The college is moving forward with its accreditation mid-term report. The Institutional Effectiveness Council will be reviewing a report draft and seeking input from constituency groups before forwarding a draft document to the Executive Leadership Team for their review. The District Accreditation Coordinating Committee is expected to review all four colleges' draft reports in early December.